Behold What Wondrous Love And Grace – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Wondrous Love and Grace: A Divine Gift - This remarkable gift of love and mercy surpasses all others. Let us rejoice in the immeasurable blessings of salvation and eternal redemption. Behold

Behold What Wondrous Love And Grace – Hymn Lyric

“Behold What Wondrous and Grace: A Gift Beyond Measure” encapsulates the awe-inspiring nature of the gift we have received. This gift, which surpasses all others, is the selfless sacrifice of , sent by the Father to save us from our brokenness and offer us eternal redemption. Let us rejoice and give our highest praise to this indescribable act of love and mercy.


Behold What Wondrous Love And Grace – Hymn Lyric

Behold, what wondrous love and grace!
When we were wretched and ,
To save our ruined, race,
The Father gave His only Son!

Of twice ten thousand gifts divine,
No gift like this could ever shine.
Jesus, to save us from our fall,
Was made incarnate here below;
This was the greatest gift of all
Heaven could no greater gift bestow:

On Him alone our sins were laid;
He died, and now the ransom’s paid.
O gift of love unspeakable!
O gift of mercy all divine!
We once were slaves of death and hell,
But now we in His image shine.

For other gifts our songs we raise,
But this demands our highest praise.
Praise shall employ these tongues of ours
Till we, with all the hosts above,
Extol His Name with nobler powers,
Lost in the ocean of His love:

While angel choirs with wonder gaze,
We’ll fill the heavens with shouts of praise.


Meaning of Behold What Wondrous Love And Grace

Behold What Wondrous Love and Grace: A Gift Beyond Measure

In the of our despair and hopelessness, a truly remarkable gift was bestowed upon us. When we, as a broken and lost race, were in desperate need of salvation, the Father, in His infinite love and grace, gave us His only Son, Jesus. This act of selflessness and sacrifice is unparalleled amongst the multitude of divine gifts.

Jesus, the embodiment of love and mercy, descended from the heavens, taking on human form to save us from our own downfall. This act of becoming incarnate, choosing to live among us, was the greatest gift of all. Heaven itself could not conceive of a greater offering than this. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus took upon Himself the weight of our sins, offering us redemption and eternal life. The ransom for our transgressions has been paid in full.

It is truly an unspeakable gift, a mercy that knows no bounds. Once enslaved by death and the depths of hell, we are now transformed in His image and shine with His glory. This gift has forever changed our destiny, offering us a new life and a restored relationship with our Creator. It is a gift deserving of our highest praise and adoration.

As we reflect on this wondrous love and grace, our tongues cannot help but burst forth in praise. It is a melody that will resound in our hearts until , for there is no end to the depth of love and gratitude we feel. Joined by angelic choirs and the hosts of heaven, our voices unite in harmonious celebration. Our songs of thanksgiving fill the heavens, reaching every corner of creation.

This gift demands our utmost admiration and reverence. It surpasses all other gifts, for it is through this incomparable act of salvation that we find meaning, purpose, and hope. While there may be other gifts of acknowledgment, none compare to the magnitude of this one. It is the gift that restores our , ignites our spirits, and fills our lives with a joy that cannot be contained.

Let us, then, sing praises to His holy name and honor this gift that knows no limits. As we gather with fellow believers, let our voices resound with passion and devotion. Let our songs of worship rise like a fragrant offering before the throne of grace. Through our worship, we express our gratitude for this divine gift and its significance to all who will hear.

May every moment of our lives be a testament to the immeasurable love and grace that has been bestowed upon us. Let it shine through our words, actions, and interactions with others. Let it be evident in our compassion, forgiveness, and selflessness. In living out this gift, we become beacons of hope and instruments of God’s love to a hurting .

As we bask in the overwhelming ocean of His love, we are filled with awe and wonder. We are captivated by the magnitude of this gift and humbled by its reach. The beauty of it all is beyond comprehension, leading us to offer our heartfelt praise without ceasing.

Behold, what wondrous love and grace! Let these words echo in our hearts and guide our lives. May we forever remember the exquisite gift we have received and let it inspire us to live lives of gratitude, joy, and love.

Let us rejoice, for through this gift, we have found eternal redemption and the promise of an everlasting relationship with our Heavenly Father. May our words of praise and worship fill the heavens and bring honor to His name. Behold, what wondrous love and grace indeed!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Wondrous Love and Grace: A Divine Gift - This remarkable gift of love and mercy surpasses all others. Let us rejoice in the immeasurable blessings of salvation and eternal redemption. Behold, what wondrous love and grace!


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