Believe On The Lord Jesus Christ And Thou Shalt Be Saved – Hymn Lyric
“Believe On The Lord Jesus Christ And Thou Shalt Be Saved” is a hymn that emphasizes the importance of having faith in Jesus for salvation. By trusting in his love and following his teachings, we can experience eternal life. This hymn serves as a powerful reminder of the power of belief and the hope that comes from placing our trust in God.
Table of Contents
Believe On The Lord Jesus Christ And Thou Shalt Be Saved – Hymn Lyric
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved,
Believe that His love has sufficed and thou shalt be saved;
His wonderful love is unspoken, His promise has never been broken,
Then come with faith as your token and thou shalt be saved.
Believe on the Lord, believe on the Lord,
believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved;
Believe on the Lord, believe on the Lord,
believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and be saved.
Denying thyself, take His word and thou shalt be saved,
In all things have faith in the Lord and thou shalt be saved;
‘Tis written He said, “whosoever;”
O then be your earnest endeavor,
Your heart from all evil to sever, and thou shalt be saved.
Walk humbly before Him alway, and thou shalt be saved,
His ev’ry commandment obey, and thou shalt be saved;
Believe in His blessed salvation,
Proclaim Him your only oblation,
To Him give a life-consecration, and thou shalt be saved.
Meaning of Believe On The Lord Jesus Christ And Thou Shalt Be Saved
In this hymn, titled “Believe On The Lord Jesus Christ And Thou Shalt Be Saved,” the message is clear – by having faith in Jesus and his love, we can attain salvation. This hymn reminds us of the power of belief and the importance of living a life dedicated to God.
The verse starts by emphasizing the importance of belief in Jesus Christ. It states that by believing in him, we will be saved. This simple act of trusting in Jesus and his love is enough to grant us eternal life. It reassures us that his love is unwavering and his promises are always kept.
Coming to Jesus with faith is described as a token, or a sign, of our salvation. By approaching him with trust and belief, we are showing our commitment to following his teachings and accepting him as our Lord and Savior.
The hymn continues with a refrain that reinforces the central theme. It urges us to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, emphasizing that by doing so, we will be saved. The repetition of this refrain highlights the importance of faith in our spiritual journey.
The next verse encourages us to deny ourselves and take his word. This means letting go of our own desires and priorities and instead surrendering ourselves to God’s will. The hymn reminds us that having faith in the Lord and trusting in his guidance will lead to our salvation.
In all aspects of life, we are encouraged to have faith in the Lord. No matter what challenges or struggles we may face, we should always place our trust in God. We are reminded that God’s promises are for everyone, as the verse states, “whosoever.” This highlights the all-inclusive nature of God’s love and salvation.
Following Jesus also involves walking humbly before him at all times. This means acknowledging our own limitations and weaknesses, and recognizing that everything we have comes from God. It is through this humble attitude that we can truly experience God’s saving grace.
The hymn further emphasizes the importance of obedience to God’s commandments. By following his teachings and living a life that aligns with his will, we will be saved. This verse reminds us that faith is not just a belief, but an active commitment to living in accordance with God’s Word.
Believing in Jesus’ blessed salvation is not something to keep to ourselves. We are called to proclaim him as our only oblation, or offering. This means sharing the good news of Jesus’ love and redemption with others. By doing so, we can lead others to salvation and help them find hope and purpose in their lives.
The final refrain reinforces the message of the hymn, urging us once again to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. It serves as a powerful reminder that salvation is available to all who have faith in him.
In conclusion, the hymn “Believe On The Lord Jesus Christ And Thou Shalt Be Saved” encourages us to have faith in Jesus and his love. It reminds us that by believing in him, denying ourselves, walking humbly before him, and obeying his commandments, we can experience salvation. This hymn serves as a reminder of the power of belief and the eternal hope that comes from trusting in God.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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