Beyond The Shadows Of The Sinking Day – Hymn Lyric
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Beyond The Shadows Of The Sinking Day – Hymn Lyric
Beyond the shadows of the sinking day,
Beyond the winter and the gleam of May,
Beyond the storms that beat the rocky strand,
There waits the blessed Sunshine Land.
The Sunshine Land we soon shall see,
And O how happy we shall be;
From every sin and sorrow free,
There to dwell eternally.
Beyond the weary sickness and the pain,
Beyond the loss and eager strife for gain,
Beyond the tempter seeking to command,
There waits the blessed Sunshine Land.
The Sunshine Land we soon shall see,
And O how happy we shall be;
From every sin and sorrow free,
There to dwell eternally.
Beyond the bloom of spring and autumn bright,
Beyond the morn and darkness of the night,
Beyond the fears that rise on every hand,
There waits the blessed Sunshine Land.
The Sunshine Land we soon shall see,
And O how happy we shall be;
From every sin and sorrow free,
There to dwell eternally.
Meaning of Beyond The Shadows Of The Sinking Day
Beyond The Shadows Of The Sinking Day: A Glimpse Into The Sunshine Land
Have you ever found yourself longing for a place where all your troubles and worries dissipate? A place where joy abounds, and peace reigns? The hymn “Beyond The Shadows Of The Sinking Day” paints a vivid picture of such a place, a place called the Sunshine Land. As we delve deeper into the verses of this hymn, let us explore the meaning behind these words and the hope they offer to all who seek solace and eternal happiness.
The hymn begins with the lyrics, “Beyond the shadows of the sinking day, beyond the winter and the gleam of May.” These words evoke a sense of passing time and the transience of life‘s seasons. Just as the sun sets at the end of each day, we are reminded that life is filled with both light and darkness. However, beyond these fleeting moments lies the Sunshine Land. It is a realm where the shadows of life’s struggles lose their power and are replaced with everlasting radiance.
Continuing on, the hymn speaks of storms that beat the rocky strand. We are no strangers to the tempestuous nature of life, its gusts of hardship and adversity. Yet, even in the midst of these trials, we have a glimmer of hope. The Sunshine Land awaits us, promising respite from the battering winds of life. In this realm, we shall find true happiness, free from sin and sorrow. Imagine a place where every tear is wiped away, and the burdens of the world are lifted. That is the Sunshine Land, a paradise beyond compare.
The refrain of the hymn highlights the anticipation and utter delight that come with the thought of beholding the Sunshine Land. We shall be “O how happy” when we finally reach this wondrous place. The use of repetition in the refrain emphasizes the sheer joy that awaits us, while the imagery is meant to evoke a sense of jubilation and overwhelming bliss. It is a happiness that goes beyond comprehension, a happiness that fills every corner of our beings.
Moving forward, the hymn speaks of overcoming sickness, pain, and the constant pursuit of material gain. The Sunshine Land symbolizes the perfect health and eternal well-being that we all long for. In a world where ailments and suffering prevail, this realm offers a glimmer of hope for the weary and downtrodden. It is a place where pain and loss become distant memories, replaced by an everlasting sense of wholeness and peace.
Furthermore, the hymn acknowledges the presence of a tempter, one who seeks to command and lead us astray. We are all too familiar with the daily battles we face against temptation and the lure of sin. However, the Sunshine Land is a place where these struggles come to an end. We can find solace in the fact that there will be no more battles to fight, for goodness and righteousness shall prevail. In this realm, we shall be free from the clutches of the tempter, forever liberated from his cunning ways.
As we near the end of the hymn, we are reminded of the transient nature of earthly beauty. Spring blooms and autumn’s vibrant colors come and go, as does the darkness of the night and the break of dawn. Yet, beyond these fleeting moments lies the Sunshine Land, a place unaffected by the passage of time. The fears that plague us in the waking hours, the anxieties that rise in every corner, all dissipate in the presence of the Sunshine Land. It is a realm of unwavering serenity and everlasting calm.
In conclusion, the hymn “Beyond The Shadows Of The Sinking Day” invites us to imagine a place of unparalleled joy and peace. The Sunshine Land offers respite from life’s storms, healing from sickness and pain, liberation from temptation, and freedom from fears that haunt us. It is a realm that awaits us, promising an eternity of boundless happiness and contentment. As we journey through the ups and downs of life, let us keep the vision of the Sunshine Land in our hearts, knowing that a day will come when we shall dwell there eternally.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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