Bless God My Soul O Lord My God – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beauty of God's creation with the hymn "Bless God

Bless God My Soul O Lord My God – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “Bless God, My Soul O Lord My God” is a beautiful expression of and praise for the wonders of God’s creation. The hymn writer paints a vivid picture of God’s greatness and power, using imagery from nature to illustrate the majesty and splendor of the Creator. As we sing this hymn, let us join in praising and blessing God for His amazing works in our world.


Bless God My Soul O Lord My God – Hymn Lyric

Bless God, my soul. O Lord my God,
thou art exceeding great;
With honour and with majesty
thou clothed art in state.

With light, as with a robe, thyself
thou coverest about;
And, like unto a curtain, thou
the heavens stretchest out.

Who of his chambers doth the beams
within the waters lay;
Who doth the clouds his chariot make,
on wings of wind make way.

Who flaming fire his ministers,
his angels sp’rits, doth make:
Who earth’s foundations did lay,
that it should never shake.

Thou didst it cover with the deep,
as with a garment spread:
The waters stood above the hills,
when thou the word but said.

But at the voice of thy rebuke
they fled, and would not stay;
They at thy thunder’s dreadful voice
did haste them fast away.

They by the mountains do ascend,
and by the valley-ground
Descend, unto that very place
which thou for them didst found.

Thou hast a bound unto them set,
that they may not pass over,
That they do not return again
the face of earth to cover.

He to the valleys sends the springs,
which run among the hills:
They to all beasts of field give drink,
wild asses drink their fills.

By them the fowls of heav’n shall have
their habitation,
Which do among the branches sing
with delectation.

He from his chambers watereth
the hills, when they are dry’d:
With fruit and increase of thy works
the earth is satisfy’d.

For cattle he makes grass to grow,
he makes the herb to spring
For th’ use of man, that food to him
he from the earth may ;

And wine, that to the heart of man
doth cheerfulness impart,
Oil that his face makes shine, and bread
that strengtheneth his heart.

The trees of God are full of sap;
the cedars that do stand
In Lebanon, which planted were
by his almighty hand.

Birds of the air upon their boughs
do chuse their nests to make;
As for the stork, the fir-tree she
doth for her dwelling take.

The lofty mountains for wild goats
a place of refuge be;
The conies also to the rocks
do for their safety flee.

He sets the moon in heav’n, thereby
the seasons to discern:
From him the sun his certain time
of going down doth learn.

Thou darkness mak’st, ’tis night, then beasts
of forests creep abroad.
The lions young roar for their prey,
and seek their meat from God.

The sun doth rise, and home they flock,
down in their dens they lie.
Man goes to work, his labour he
doth to the ev’ning ply.

How manifold, Lord, are thy works!
in wisdom wonderful
Thou ev’ry one of them hast made;
earth’s of thy riches full:

So is this great and spacious sea,
wherein things creeping are,
Which number’d cannot be; and beasts
both great and small are there.

There ships go; there thou mak’st to play
that leviathan great.
These all wait on , that thou may’st
in due time give them meat.

That which thou givest unto them
they gather for their food;
Thine hand thou open’st lib’rally,
they filled are with good.

Thou hid’st thy face; they troubled are,
their breath thou tak’st away;
Then do they die, and to their dust
return again do they.

Thy quick’ning thou send’st forth,
then they created be;
And then the earth’s decayed face
is by thee.

The glory of the mighty Lord
continue shall for ever:
The Lord Jehovah shall rejoice
in all his works together.

Earth, as affrighted, trembleth all,
if he on it but look;
And if the mountains he but touch,
they presently do smoke.

I will sing to the Lord most high,
so long as I shall live;
And while I being have I shall
to my God give.

Of him my meditation shall
sweet thoughts to me afford;
And as for me, I will rejoice
in God, my only Lord.

From earth let be consum’d,
let ill men no more be.
O thou my soul, bless thou the Lord.
Praise to the Lord give ye.


Meaning of Bless God My Soul O Lord My God

The hymn “Bless God, My Soul O Lord My God” is a beautiful expression of gratitude and praise for the wonders of God’s creation. The hymn writer paints a vivid picture of God’s greatness and power, using imagery from nature to illustrate the majesty and splendor of the Creator.

The hymn begins by addressing God directly, acknowledging His exceeding greatness and honor. The writer marvels at how God clothes Himself in honor and majesty, describing it as a robe of light. It is as if God covers Himself with light, just as one would wrap themselves in a robe.

The hymn continues by comparing God to a curtain that stretches out the heavens. This imagery reminds us of the vastness and expansiveness of the universe, and how God is the one who created and sustains it all. The writer seems in awe of God’s ability to lay the beams of His chambers within the waters and to make the clouds His chariot, moving on wings of wind.

The hymn then reflects on the power and authority of God, describing how He made the foundations of the earth and established them so that it would never shake. The writer alludes to the biblical account of creation, highlighting God’s role in covering the earth with water and then commanding the waters to retreat.

The hymn emphasizes God’s control over the elements, mentioning how His voice rebukes the waters and causes them to flee. The thunderous voice of God is portrayed as powerful and awe-inspiring, forcing the waters to hasten away. The mountains and valleys are depicted as responding to God’s command, ascending and descending according to His design.

The writer notes that God has set a boundary for the waters, so they do not cover the face of the earth again. This demonstrates God’s wisdom and order in creation, ensuring that the waters remain within their limits. From this boundary, God sends forth springs that provide water to all the creatures of the earth, even the wild animals.

The hymn further highlights God’s provision for His creation, describing how He makes grass and herb grow for the animals and provides food for mankind. The writer notes that God gives wine to gladden the heart and oil to make the face shine, symbolizing His abundant blessings. Bread is also mentioned as something that strengthens the heart, illustrating God’s care and provision for our physical needs.

The hymn then turns its attention to the trees of God, particularly the cedars in Lebanon. These majestic trees, planted by God’s almighty hand, are depicted as being full of sap and providing shelter for the birds of the air. The stork is mentioned specifically as making her dwelling in the fir-tree, showcasing God’s attention to detail in every aspect of creation.

The writer also acknowledges the mountains as a place of refuge for the wild goats and the rocks as a sanctuary for the conies, highlighting God’s care for all His creatures. The hymn emphasizes that every living thing has its place and purpose in God’s creation.

The hymn then acknowledges God’s control over the celestial bodies, mentioning how He sets the moon in the sky to mark the seasons and teaches the sun its time to set. The contrast between day and night is highlighted, with darkness signaling the time for nocturnal creatures to roam and search for their food.

The writer marvels at the complexity and diversity of God’s creation, acknowledging that it is beyond human comprehension. The hymn acknowledges the abundance of life in the sea and on land, noting that it is impossible to count or fully understand every creature that God has made.

The hymn also recognizes that all of creation depends on God for sustenance and provision. Just as ships go out to sea and wild animals find their food in due time, God is the one who gives and gathers for all His creatures. His hand is described as being open and generous, providing for the needs of every living thing.

The hymn then acknowledges the power of God to take away life, noting that He hides His face and people are troubled. The writer reflects on the cycle of life and death, acknowledging that all creatures return to the dust from which they came. However, the hymn also celebrates God’s ability to restore and , sending forth His life-giving Spirit to create and revive the earth.

The hymn concludes by proclaiming the eternal glory of the Lord and expressing the writer’s commitment to praise and worship Him. The writer vows to sing to the Lord as long as they live and to meditate on His works, finding joy and delight in God alone.

In conclusion, the hymn “Bless God, My Soul O Lord My God” is a and heartfelt expression of gratitude and praise for the wonders of God’s creation. It reminds us of God’s greatness, power, and provision in every aspect of our world. As we sing this hymn, let us be reminded of the awe-inspiring beauty of God’s creation and join in praising and blessing His holy name.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beauty of God's creation with the hymn Bless God, My Soul O Lord My God. Praise His power, provision, and greatness in every aspect of the world. Join in the awe-inspiring celebration.


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