Bless God My Soul Thou Lord Alone – Hymn Lyric

Experience the beauty of praise and adoration with the hymn "Bless God My Soul Thou Lord Alone." Explore God's sovereignty

Bless God My Soul Thou Lord Alone – Hymn Lyric



Bless God My Soul Thou Lord Alone – Hymn Lyric

, my soul; , , alone
Possessest empire without bounds,
With honour Thou art crown’d thy throne
majesty surrounds.

With light thou dost Thyself enrobe,
And glory for a garment take;
Heaven’s curtains stretch beyond the globe,
Thy canopy of state to make.

God builds on liquid air, and forms
His palace-chambers in the skies;
The clouds His chariots are, and storms
The swift-wing’d steeds with which he flies.

As bright as flame, as swift as wind,
His ministers heaven’s palace fill;
They have their sundry tasks assign’d
All prompt to do their sovereign’s will.

In God while He prolongs
My breath, I will that breath employ;
And join to my songs,
Sincere, as in Him is my joy.


Meaning of Bless God My Soul Thou Lord Alone

The hymn “Bless God My Soul Thou Lord Alone” is a beautiful expression of praise and adoration to God. It reminds us that God possesses an empire without bounds, filled with eternal majesty and glory. As we delve into the verses of this hymn, we can explore the themes of God’s sovereignty, His presence in nature, and the importance of sincere devotion in our .

The first verse of the hymn begins by acknowledging that God alone possesses an empire without bounds. This means that God’s authority and power surpass any earthly king or ruler. It is an awe-inspiring thought that God’s sovereignty knows no limits. He is the ultimate authority, and all honor and glory are due to Him.

The hymn goes on to describe how God wraps Himself in light and glory, using them as garments. This image portrays God’s radiant and majestic presence. It reminds us that He is not confined to any earthly space, but rather reigns over all creation. Even the curtains of heaven stretch beyond the globe to create a majestic canopy of state for God. This imagery emphasizes His grandeur and splendor.

Next, the hymn brings our attention to God’s creative power and presence in nature. It proclaims that God builds on liquid air and forms His palace-chambers in the skies. This imagery reminds us that God’s handiwork can be seen in the beauty and intricacy of the natural world. The clouds are described as God’s chariots, and storms are His swift-winged steeds. This metaphor highlights the power and control that God exercises over nature. It is a reminder that God’s creation reflects His greatness and might.

The hymn then introduces the idea of heavenly ministers who fill heaven’s palace, shining as bright as flame and moving as swiftly as wind. These ministers have various tasks assigned to them, all designed to fulfill God’s will. This verse reminds us that God’s heavenly court operates with perfect order and obedience. Each minister is prompt in carrying out their assigned duties, demonstrating the harmony and unity within God’s heavenly realm.

Finally, the hymn concludes with a personal declaration of praise and devotion. It states that as long as the breath of the singer is prolonged, they will use that breath to praise and worship God. This verse emphasizes the importance of sincere devotion in our worship. It encourages us to join our devotion to our songs, expressing our joy and gratitude to God. True worship involves not just through the motions, but offering our whole-hearted praise and adoration to Him.

In conclusion, “Bless God My Soul Thou Lord Alone” is a hymn that beautifully captures the essence of praising and worshiping God. It reminds us of His sovereignty, His presence in nature, and the importance of sincere devotion in our worship. As we reflect on the words of this hymn, we are reminded of the greatness and majesty of our Lord and are inspired to offer Him our heartfelt praise and worship. May our continually bless God and acknowledge Him as the one true Lord.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the beauty of praise and adoration with the hymn Bless God My Soul Thou Lord Alone. Explore God's sovereignty, presence in nature, and the significance of sincere devotion in worship.


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