Bless O My Soul The Living God – Hymn Lyric

Experience the power of "Bless O My Soul

Bless O My Soul The Living God – Hymn Lyric

O My Soul The Living : Recognizing and Praising God’s Goodness This hymn reminds us to bless and praise the living God, recognizing His and the wonders He has done. It emphasizes the redemption, forgiveness, and healing that God offers through His Son. The hymn also highlights God’s power in satisfying our needs, offering rest to the suffering, and extending His love and to all nations. Ultimately, it calls for unity in worshiping and serving the living God, reminding us to express our gratitude and proclaim His greatness.


Bless O My Soul The Living God – Hymn Lyric

Bless, O my soul! the living God.
Call home thy thoughts that rove abroad.
Let all the powers within me join
In work and so divine,
In work and worship so divine.

Bless, O my soul! the God of grace.
His favors claim thy highest praise.
Why should the wonders He hath wrought
Be lost in silence and forgot,
Be lost in silence and forgot?

‘Tis He, my soul, that sent His Son
To die for crimes which hast done.
He owns the ransom and forgives
The hourly follies of our lives,
The hourly follies of our lives.

The vices of the mind He heals,
And cures the pains that nature feels;
Redeems the soul from hell, and saves
Our wasting life from threat’ning graves.

Our youth decayed, His power repairs;
His mercy crowns our growing years;
He satisfies our mouth with good,
And fills our hopes with heav’nly food.

He sees th’oppressor and th’oppressed,
And often gives the suff’rers rest;
But will His justice more display
In the last great rewarding day.

His power He showed by ‘ hands,
And gave to Israel His commands;
But sent His truth and mercy down
To all the nations by His Son.

Let the whole earth His power .
Let the whole earth adore His grace.
The Gentile with the Jew shall join
In work and worship so divine,
In work and worship so divine.


Meaning of Bless O My Soul The Living God

Bless O My Soul, The Living God: Recognizing and Praising God’s Goodness

In this hymn, the author encourages us to bless and praise the living God with our thoughts, actions, and worship. It reminds us that God’s grace and wonders should not be forgotten or silenced, but rather celebrated and shared. Through the sacrifice of His Son, God offers redemption and forgiveness for our sins and the follies of our lives.

The hymn also highlights how God’s power extends to healing the vices of our minds and the pains of our natural existence. He rescues our souls from the clutches of hell and saves our lives from impending destruction. No matter our age or stage in life, God’s power renews us and satisfies our needs. He crowns our growing years with mercy and fills our mouths with good things, providing us with nourishment.

We are reminded that God is aware of the struggles faced by both oppressors and the oppressed. He offers rest to those who suffer and promises to display His justice on the last great rewarding day. Through Moses, God revealed His power and gave commandments to the people of Israel. However, He did not limit His truth and mercy to just one group of people. Through His Son, He extends His love and salvation to all nations, uniting Gentiles and Jews in divine work and worship.

The hymn concludes with a call for the whole earth to confess and adore God’s power and grace. It emphasizes the unity of all people in worshiping and serving the living God. Regardless of our backgrounds or differences, we are all invited to join in the divine work and worship, acknowledging God’s goodness and proclaiming His greatness.

The message of this hymn resonates deeply with our lives today. It reminds us to take a moment to pause and reflect on the blessings we have received from the living God. Sometimes, in the busyness of our lives, we may lose sight of the wonders and miracles that surround us. This hymn reminds us to call our thoughts back home, to center our minds on God’s goodness and to express our gratitude and praise.

In a world that can often seem chaotic and overwhelming, this hymn reassures us that God’s grace is present. It offers comfort and hope in times of distress and challenges us to live out our faith in tangible ways. By recognizing and praising God’s goodness, we not only deepen our own relationship with Him but also bear witness to His love and mercy to those around us.

Let us take this hymn to heart and make it a part of our daily lives. May we remember to bless, O our souls, the living God and invite others to join in this divine work and worship. Let us never forget the power of God’s grace and the wonders He has wrought. Instead, may we share His love and mercy with a world in need, embracing our common humanity and celebrating the unity we find in Him.

In conclusion, Bless O My Soul, The Living God is a powerful hymn that encourages us to recognize and praise God’s goodness. Through its beautiful verses, it reminds us to reflect on His grace, offer our gratitude, and live out our faith in a way that honors Him. As we these words, let us be inspired to bless and worship the living God, and to share His love and mercy with all those around us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the power of Bless O My Soul, The Living God hymn as it encourages us to recognize and praise God's goodness. Reflect on His grace, offer gratitude, and live out our faith in a way that honors Him. Join in divine work and worship today.


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