Blessed Are They That Undefiled – Hymn Lyric

Experience the blessings of living a righteous life with "Blessed Are They That Undefiled." Learn the importance of following God's commandments and walking in His holy law. Discover the key to undefiledness and find true fulfillment.

Blessed Are They That Undefiled – Hymn Lyric

“Blessed Are They That Undefiled” is a hymn that emphasizes the importance of living a righteous and following God’s commandments. The lyrics remind us that those who walk in the way of the , without straying from His holy law, are blessed. By observing God’s statutes with integrity of , we can maintain a state of purity and experience the blessings that come from living a life pleasing to God.


Blessed Are They That Undefiled – Hymn Lyric

Blessed are they that undefil’d,
and straight are in the way;
Who in the Lord’s most holy law
do walk, and do not stray.

Blessed are they who to observe
his statutes are inclin’d;
And who do seek the living God
with their whole heart and mind.

Such in his ways do walk, and they
do no iniquity.
Thou hast commanded us to keep
thy precepts carefully.

O that thy statutes to observe
thou would’st my ways direct!
Then shall I not be sham’d, when I
thy precepts all respect.

Then with integrity of heart
will I praise and bless,
When I the judgments all have learn’d
of thy pure righteousness.

That I will keep thy statutes all
firmly resolv’d have I:
O do not then, most gracious God,
forsake me utterly.


Meaning of Blessed Are They That Undefiled

Blessed Are They That Undefiled

In the hymn “Blessed Are They That Undefiled,” the lyrics express the importance of living a righteous life and following God’s commandments. The opening verse immediately sets the tone, emphasizing the blessedness of those who walk in the way of the Lord, without straying from His most holy law.

To be undefiled means to be free from impurities, , and wrongdoing. It is a state of purity and righteousness that brings blessings upon those who achieve it. The hymn teaches us that in the Lord’s holy law and observing His statutes is the key to maintaining this state of undefiledness.

The importance of obedience to God’s commandments is highlighted in the second verse. The lyrics remind us that those who are inclined to observe His statutes are truly blessed. This emphasizes the choice we must make to align our actions with God’s teachings and seek Him wholeheartedly.

Walking in God’s ways, as mentioned in the third verse, means that we strive to live a life free of iniquity. Iniquity refers to immoral or unjust behavior, actions that contradict God’s teachings. By following God’s commandments diligently, we avoid such wrongdoing and remain in the blessed state of undefiledness.

The hymn acknowledges that God has commanded us to keep His precepts carefully, as stated in the fourth verse. This resonates with the idea that living a righteous life requires intentional commitment and effort. It is not enough to passively acknowledge God’s rules; we must actively choose to obey them.

The plea presented in the following verse expresses a genuine for God’s guidance. The lyrics ask for God to direct our ways in observing His statutes, recognizing that His guidance is essential to staying on the path of righteousness. It is through His guidance that we can avoid shame and uphold His precepts with respect.

The sixth verse expresses a deep commitment to praising and God with integrity of heart. This highlights the importance of sincere and genuine worship. It is not enough to merely recite words of praise; we must do so with a heart that truly understands and incorporates His judgments and teachings into our lives.

The hymn ends with a plea for God’s continued presence and support. It acknowledges that the person singing the hymn is firmly resolved to keep His statutes. This plea serves as a reminder that even with our best intentions and efforts, we still need God’s grace and guidance to stay on the path of righteousness.

In conclusion, “Blessed Are They That Undefiled” reminds us of the importance of living a righteous life and following God’s commandments. The hymn emphasizes the blessings bestowed upon those who walk in the way of the Lord, without straying from His holy law. It teaches us that observing God’s statutes with integrity of heart is the key to maintaining a state of undefiledness. Let us strive to live in such a way that we can truly embody the message of this hymn and experience the blessings that come with living a life pleasing to God.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the blessings of living a righteous life with Blessed Are They That Undefiled. Learn the importance of following God's commandments and walking in His holy law. Discover the key to undefiledness and find true fulfillment.


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