Blessed Assurance Jesus Is Mine – Hymn Lyric

Find peace and happiness in Jesus with "Blessed Assurance." Discover the confidence

Blessed Assurance Jesus Is Mine – Hymn Lyric

Title : Assurance: Finding and Happiness in Jesus “Blessed Assurance” is a hymn that captures the deep conviction and confidence of believers in their relationship with Jesus. It highlights the themes of finding peace, identity, and hope in Him, as well as the transformative power of . Through this hymn, believers are encouraged to embrace their personal stories and continually praise Jesus for the blessings received, finding solace and joy in the blessed assurance that He is truly theirs.


Blessed Assurance Jesus Is Mine – Hymn Lyric

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
O what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
born of his Spirit, washed in his blood.

This is my story, this is my song,
praising my Savior, all the day long;
this is my story, this is my song,
praising my Savior all the day long.

Perfect submission, perfect delight,
visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
angels descending, bring from above
echoes of , whispers of .


Perfect submission, all is at rest,
I in my Savior am happy and blest,
watching and waiting, looking above,
filled with his goodness, lost in his love.



Meaning of Blessed Assurance Jesus Is Mine

Blessed Assurance: Finding Peace and Happiness in Jesus

In our journey through life, it is common to encounter moments of uncertainty, doubt, and fear. We often seek something or someone to bring us comfort, security, and a sense of purpose. For those who have found solace in their faith, one hymn that beautifully captures these sentiments is “Blessed Assurance.”

The hymn begins with the powerful proclamation, “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!” These words convey the deep conviction and confidence that the author has in their relationship with Jesus. It reflects a personal experience of finding peace and assurance in their faith.

As the verse continues, the hymn describes this assurance as a “foretaste of glory divine.” This imagery suggests that by having a close relationship with Jesus, believers can catch a glimpse of the heavenly joy and fulfillment that awaits them in eternity. It is a source of hope that sustains them, even in the midst of life’s trials and challenges.

The next line, “Heir of salvation, purchase of God,” emphasizes the believer’s understanding of their identity as a child of God. This recognition brings a sense of security and belonging. It reminds us that we are not alone in this world but have a heavenly Father who loves us and has redeemed us through His sacrifice.

One of the most powerful themes in this hymn is the idea of being “born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.” This is a reference to the biblical concept of spiritual rebirth and forgiveness through Jesus’ death on the . It speaks to the transformative power of faith, which brings new life and from the burdens of sin. Through this, believers find true and lasting joy.

The refrain of the hymn reinforces the main message, declaring, “This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long.” Here, we find the essence of the believer’s testimony – their personal story of encountering Jesus and the joy that fills their heart as a result. The refrain encourages believers to continually praise and give thanks to Jesus for the blessings they have received.

The hymn goes on to describe the experience of “perfect submission” and “perfect delight.” It portrays a state of inner peace, where the believer is completely surrendered to God’s will. In this state, they no longer strive to control every aspect of their lives but trust in God’s wisdom and guidance.

The hymn beautifully describes how the believer’s newfound peace brings visions of rapture and heavenly delight. They can sense the presence of angels descending, echoes of mercy and whispers of love. This imagery captures the believer’s deep spiritual connection with God and the comforting reassurance they receive from Him.

Another profound sentiment expressed in this hymn is the concept of being “watching and waiting, looking above.” It suggests an anticipation of the future glory and life that await believers in . This hope helps them navigate the challenges and uncertainties of life, knowing that their ultimate destination is with their Savior.

The final lines of the hymn speak of being “filled with His goodness” and “lost in His love.” This illustrates the profound impact that a relationship with Jesus can have on a person’s life. It implies that by surrendering to God’s love and allowing it to fill every aspect of their being, believers experience true and lasting happiness.

In conclusion, the hymn “Blessed Assurance” beautifully encapsulates the essence of finding peace and happiness in Jesus. It reminds believers of the confidence and security they have in their faith, the transformative power of being born again, and the hope of eternal life. Through this hymn, believers are encouraged to embrace their personal stories of encountering Jesus and to continually praise and give thanks for the blessings they have received. May we all find solace and joy in the blessed assurance that Jesus is truly ours, now and forever.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find peace and happiness in Jesus with Blessed Assurance. Discover the confidence, hope, and transformative power of faith in this hymn. Jesus is yours, now and forever.


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