Blessed Is He The Lord Who Loveth – Hymn Lyric

Discover the blessings and joy that come from loving and obeying the Lord. Experience growth

Blessed Is He The Lord Who Loveth – Hymn Lyric

Is He The Lord Who Loveth This hymn emphasizes the blessings and joy that come from loving and obeying the Lord. It encourages us to trust in God’s provision and find comfort in His unfailing . By showing love and kindness to others, we experience the abundant blessings of God in our lives.


Blessed Is He The Lord Who Loveth – Hymn Lyric

Bless’d is he the Lord who loveth,
At His word doth tremble aye!
Bless’d whose heart him freely moveth
God’s commandments to obey.

Who the Highest loves and fears,
Findeth increase with the years
Of all that to him is given
By the bounteous hand of .

His dear children shall stand ever
Like to roses in their blow;
Flowing with God’s goodness over,
On his generations go.

What the body needs below
God who rules all will bestow,
He will bounteously relieve them,
Plenty in their dwellings give them.

The right of the believer
Nought can shake, they stand secure;
If a storm o’ertakes him ever,
Still doth God, his endure.

Comforts, shieldeth with His pow’r,
So that after darkness’ hour,
After night of tears and sorrow,
Joy and sunshine glad the morrow.

God’s compassion, grace, and favour
For the faithful still endure.
Blessed are the souls who ever
Think upon the poor.

Love them, seek to do them good;
For the ever- God
In His arms of grace will bear them,
And a home above prepare them.

When the black clouds o’er them lighten,
And the pealing thunders shock,
They shall sit, and nought shall frighten,
Like the dove hid in the rock.

They’ll remain eternally,
And their memory shall be
Upon every side extending,
As their branches trees are sending.

When misfortunes overtake them,
Whereby sinners low are laid,
Firm their courage, nought can shake them,
And their hearts are undismay’d;

Undismay’d, from care are free,
Hearts that unreservedly
To the Lord their God are given,
Love Him when forsaken even.

Who delight take in relieving
Sad ones, to the Lord are dear;
What the loving hands are giving,
God will recompense e’en here.

Who much giveth much will gain,
He shall not desire in vain,
What his heart desires and willeth,
God in His good time fulfilleth.

But the foes who triumph’d o’er them,
They shall see depart beneath;
Satan who such malice bore them,
Evermore shall gnash his teeth:

Sorely will it him displease
When their blessedness he sees,
Yet that he can rob them never,
Only waste himself forever.


Meaning of Blessed Is He The Lord Who Loveth

Blessed Is He The Lord Who Loveth: Finding Joy and Blessings in Obedience to God

In this hymn, we are reminded of the many blessings that come to those who love and fear the Lord, and who joyfully obey His commandments. It speaks to the abundant love and favor that God bestows upon His faithful children.

When we truly love and honor the Lord, we experience growth and increase in our lives. Just as a rose blooms and flourishes under the care of a gardener, we too will be filled with God’s goodness and grace. Our Heavenly Father, who rules over all things, will provide for our needs and generously bless our dwellings. We can trust that His hand will always provide for us.

The hymn reassures us that our righteous deeds are unshakable. Even in the face of storms and challenges, God’s light will continue to guide and comfort us. We can find solace in knowing that after a dark night of tears and sorrow, joy and sunshine will greet us in the morning. God’s compassion, grace, and favor endure forever for those who remain faithful to Him.

The hymn encourages us to show love and kindness to the needy and the poor. When we think of their plight and seek to them, we are showing our love for God. In His infinite grace, God will hold us in His arms and prepare a heavenly home for us. No matter the trials and tribulations we face, God will protect us like a dove sheltered in a rock.

Even in the midst of misfortunes and struggles, our courage remains unshaken. As devoted believers, our hearts are undisturbed by worry and fear because we have placed our trust in the Lord. We know that He will never forsake us, even in our darkest moments. Our love for God remains steadfast, even when we feel abandoned or alone.

The hymn teaches us the importance of reaching out to those in . When we show compassion and generosity towards others, we are pleasing to the Lord. He promises to repay us here on earth for the love and kindness we extend to others. The more we give, the more blessings we will receive. Our desires and wills, when aligned with God’s plans, will be fulfilled in His perfect timing.

While the enemies of the faithful may celebrate their temporary victories, their triumphs are short-lived. The forces of evil, represented by Satan, will ultimately be defeated. They will witness the blessings and eternal security of God’s children and be filled with envy and regret. Despite their attempts to rob believers of their joy and blessings, they will only waste themselves in endless frustration.

In conclusion, this hymn reminds us of the blessedness that comes from loving and obeying the Lord. When we freely move our hearts to follow His commandments, we experience growth, increase, and overflowing goodness. We can trust in God’s unfailing love and provision, knowing that He will shield us in times of trouble and comfort us in our darkest hours. By showing love and kindness to others, we receive the abundant blessings of God, both in this life and in the one to come. Let us strive to live lives that reflect our love for the Lord and our desire to and care for those in need. May we always remember that true blessings and joy come from a heart that loves and fears the Lord.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the blessings and joy that come from loving and obeying the Lord. Experience growth, provision, and eternal security in God's unfailing love. Show kindness to others and be rewarded with abundant blessings.


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