Blest Feast Of Love Divine – Hymn Lyric
Engaging “Blest Feast of Love Divine” is a hymn that beautifully portrays the transformative power and joy of communion. Through symbols of bread and wine, believers remember God’s grace and sacrifice while discovering the secrets of His heart. This sacred act offers solace, strengthens faith, and anticipates the eternal joy of meeting the Lord face to face. Embracing this divine feast nourishes our faith, inspires our love for Him, and deepens our bond with the Lord.
Table of Contents
Blest Feast Of Love Divine – Hymn Lyric
Sweet feast of love divine:
‘Tis grace that makes us free
To feed upon this bread and wine,
In memory, Lord, of Thee.
Here every welcome guest
Waits, Lord, from Thee to learn
The secrets of Thy Father’s breast,
And all Thy grace discern.
Here conscience ends its strife,
And faith delights to prove
The sweetness of the bread of life,
The fullness of Thy love.
Thy blood that flow’d for sin
In symbol here we see,
And feel the blessed pledge within
That we are loved of Thee.
O, if this glimpse of love
Is so divinely sweet,
What will it be, O Lord, above,
Thy gladdening smile to meet;
To see Thee face to face,
Thy perfect likeness wear,
And all Thy ways of wondrous grace
Through endless years declare.
Meaning of Blest Feast Of Love Divine
Blest Feast of Love Divine: Embracing Grace and Communion with the Lord
In the hymn “Blest Feast of Love Divine,” the author beautifully portrays the experience of partaking in the sacrament of communion, where believers gather to remember and honor the Lord. This sacred act of breaking bread and drinking wine symbolizes our freedom through God’s grace and invites us to delve into the depths of His love and wisdom. As we explore the verses of this hymn, we discover the transformative power of communion and the profound joy it brings to our souls.
The hymn begins by describing communion as a “Sweet feast of love divine.” It emphasizes that it is God’s grace that sets us free and allows us to partake in this sacred ritual. By partaking in the bread and wine, we are reminded of the sacrifice Jesus made for our sins. It is through this act of remembrance that we find solace and nourishment for our spirits.
Within the community of believers, this welcoming feast serves as an opportunity for all guests to learn from the Lord. The hymn suggests that when we come together, we eagerly await His guidance, wanting to understand the mysteries of His Father’s heart and discern His abundant grace. In this setting, our hearts and minds open up to receive His wisdom and teachings.
Communion brings comfort and peace to those who partake in it. It becomes a refuge where our conscience finds rest, and our faith is strengthened. As we consume the bread of life, we experience the sweetness it brings. It fills us with the assurance that we are loved and cherished by the Lord, giving us hope and reassurance in times of doubt and struggle.
The hymn beautifully highlights the significance of the symbols present in communion. The blood shed by Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins is represented in the wine, and the bread reminds us of His body given for us. As we participate in this sacred act, we not only see these symbols but also feel the profound love of Christ within our hearts. Communion solidifies our connection to Him and allows us to experience His loving presence in a tangible way.
Through the glimpse of love revealed during communion, we are given a taste of the heavenly joy we will experience in the future. The hymn expresses the wonder and anticipation of meeting the Lord face to face, beholding His perfect likeness, and basking in His radiant smile. It is a reminder that communion on Earth is just a prelude to the glorious fellowship we will have with Him in eternity.
To imagine what it will be like, the hymn suggests that we will spend endless years declaring the wondrous grace of the Lord. Every moment will be filled with awe and adoration as we experience His unwavering love and witness His marvelous ways. Communion, therefore, serves as a foretaste of the eternal joy and communion we will share with the Lord in the kingdom of heaven.
In summary, “Blest Feast of Love Divine” captures the essence of communion, highlighting its significance in the lives of believers. It celebrates the freedom we find in God’s grace and invites us to partake in a sacred gathering where we discover the secrets of His heart and experience His abundant love. Through symbols of bread and wine, we remember the sacrifice of Christ and feel the assurance of His love. And as we look forward to eternity, we anticipate the joy of meeting Him face to face and reveling in the splendor of His grace. So may we embrace the blest feast of love divine and allow it to nourish our faith, inspire our love for Him, and strengthen our bond with the Lord.
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