Blest Is The Man Whose Honest Soul Disdains – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy and rewards of following Jehovah's law. Avoid the path of impious counsel and find true happiness. Don't be like the wicked who perish in their sins. Choose righteousness and be blessed.

Blest Is The Man Whose Honest Soul Disdains – Hymn Lyric

In “Blest Is The Man Whose Honest Disdains,” the content explores the idea of a person who chooses not to follow the of wicked counsel. This person finds and comfort in following Jehovah’s law, while the wicked perish in their sins. The keyword, “Blest Is The Man Whose Honest Soul Disdains,” emphasizes the importance of choosing the right path and rejecting wickedness.


Blest Is The Man Whose Honest Soul Disdains – Hymn Lyric

Blest is the man, whose honest soul disdains,
To tread the path where impious counsel reigns;
That in the way of sinners has not stood,
Nor filled the chair of the imperious proud.

But makes Jehovah’s law his dear delight,
And meditates thereon by day, by night.
Like some fair tree, that near a rivelet grows,
And shades the waters with its spreading boughs,

Boughs that nor wither, nor delusive are,
But with their fruit reward the planter’s care,
He’ll flourish long–of heaven itself the ,
And every solid joy and comfort prove.

Not so the wicked–like the chaff that flies,
And scatters far, when driving winds arise;
By the black whirlwind of their passions tossed,
In guilt, and in its direful woes they’re lost.

When therefore at the last tremendous day,
Comes forth the almighty judge in dread array;
Struck with their crimes, his presence shall they fly,
Nor join the righteous in their songs of joy.

For well our God the just man’s way discerns,
That he the path to heaven with rapture learns;
While impious men, who tread of sin the road,
Forever perish–such will, O God!


Meaning of Blest Is The Man Whose Honest Soul Disdains

Living in a filled with temptations and deceit, it is truly a to find a man whose soul stands firm against the lure of impious counsel. This , titled “Blest Is The Man Whose Honest Soul Disdains,” speaks to the virtuous nature of those who choose to walk a path untrodden by sinners and refuse to partake in the haughty arrogance of the wicked.

When we encounter individuals who possess this unwavering integrity, we witness a powerful embodiment of righteousness. These individuals, like a beautiful tree flourishing beside a babbling rivelet, provide shade and comfort to those around them. Their presence is a source of solace, and their actions bear the delicious fruits of virtue, rewarding those who have nurtured them with care and love.

Unlike the righteous, the wicked are akin to chaff carried away by the swift winds of their passions. They are easily overwhelmed and scattered, their actions causing them to be mired in guilt and misery. They are lost in the storm of their own wrongdoings, their lives devoid of true purpose and contentment.

However, it is on the last day, the day of judgment, that the stark contrast between the righteous and the wicked becomes abundantly clear. As the almighty judge makes his presence known in all its awe-inspiring glory, those who have indulged in evil deeds will attempt to flee from his wrath. Their crimes and transgressions will haunt them, preventing them from joining the righteous in their songs of joy and celebration.

Our God, who sees all and knows the true intentions of every heart, discerns the just man’s path to heaven. It is a path marked by profound reverence for divine law and a fervent desire to meditate on it day and night. Individuals who humbly and sincerely seek God’s guidance are rewarded with the wisdom and grace necessary to navigate through ‘s challenges. Their constant companionship with the Lord fills them with rapture and a deep understanding of the purpose of their existence.

On the other hand, those who choose to embrace sin and willingly tread its treacherous road will ultimately meet their downfall. They will perish in both body and spirit, forever cut off from the bountiful and eternal love of God. This fate is not imposed upon them by a vengeful deity, but rather is the natural consequence of their own choices, reflecting the divine will of our just and merciful Creator.

In conclusion, the hymn “Blest Is The Man Whose Honest Soul Disdains” reminds us of the immense value of righteousness and the destructive nature of wickedness. It calls us to emulate the steadfastness and integrity of those who choose to resist temptations and uphold God’s law. By doing so, we can experience the true flourishing of our souls, basking in the love and joy that only a life aligned with divine truth can bring. Let us strive to be the blessed individuals whose honest souls disdain the path of the impious and instead seek the everlasting rewards of righteousness.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the joy and rewards of following Jehovah's law. Avoid the path of impious counsel and find true happiness. Don't be like the wicked who perish in their sins. Choose righteousness and be blessed.


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