Blest Martha Love And Joy Expressed – Hymn Lyric
In “Blest Martha Love And Joy Expressed,” we see the story of two sisters, Martha and Mary, showing their love for the Lord in different ways. Martha busily prepares a feast for Jesus, while Mary chooses to sit at his feet and listen to his teachings. Through their actions, we learn the importance of spending time in God‘s presence and choosing the part that draws us closer to Him. Just like Martha and Mary, may we find joy and fulfillment in our relationship with the Lord.
Table of Contents
Blest Martha Love And Joy Expressed – Hymn Lyric
Blessed Martha love and joy expressed,
To entertain her heavenly guest;
While Mary, ravished with her Lord,
Sat at his feet, and heard his word.
True love divine, in both the same,
Let each to glorify his name;
Each met her Lord with joyful heart,
“But Mary chose the better part.”
While one prepared her earthly bread,
The other wanted to be fed;
One toiled with care to spread a feast,
The other leaned on Jesu’s breast.
Both met the favor of their Lord,
His grace for each prepared a word;
While Mary drank full droughts of love,
Grace, careful Martha, did reprove.
Thus Christians with the world are vexed,
Oft are encumbered and perplexed;
Vain tribes so engross their thought,
The one thing needful is forgot.
Teach us, dear Lord, that part to choose,
Which through thy grace we ne’er shall lose;
Then could we call the world our own,
We’d leave it all to see thy throne.
Meaning of Blest Martha Love And Joy Expressed
In this beautiful hymn, we learn about two sisters named Martha and Mary who both loved the Lord in their own special ways. Martha showed her love by preparing a feast for Jesus, while Mary chose to sit at his feet and listen to his words. Both actions were done out of love, but Jesus praised Mary for choosing the better part – to spend time with him and listen to his teachings.
Martha was busy with the preparations, making sure everything was perfect for Jesus. She wanted to show her love by serving him a delicious meal. On the other hand, Mary simply sat at Jesus’s feet, soaking in every word he said. She wanted to be close to him, to learn from him and to bask in his presence.
Jesus appreciated both Martha’s hard work and Mary’s devotion. He knew that each sister had her own way of showing love. But he also gently reminded Martha that sometimes, it’s important to simply be in his presence and listen to his teachings. In the midst of our busy lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the things we need to do and forget about spending time with the Lord.
Just like Martha and Mary, we too can get distracted by the cares of the world. We can become so busy with our daily tasks that we forget to pause and spend time with God. But Jesus reminds us that the most important thing is to choose the part that will draw us closer to him – to sit at his feet and listen to his words.
When we take the time to be in God’s presence, we are filled with his love and grace. We are reminded of what truly matters in life. The worries and distractions of the world fade away as we focus on the one thing needful – our relationship with God.
So let us learn from Martha and Mary’s example. Let us choose to spend time with the Lord, to sit at his feet and listen to his words. In doing so, we will find joy and peace that surpasses all understanding. And when we prioritize our relationship with God, everything else falls into place.
May we be like Mary, who chose the better part – to seek the presence of the Lord above all else. And may we, like Martha, continue to serve God with love and devotion in all that we do. Let us remember that through God’s grace, we can find true joy and fulfillment in His presence.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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