Christ Jesus My Lord From Heaven Came – Hymn Lyric

Experience the incredible love and redemption of Christ Jesus

Christ Jesus My Lord From Heaven Came – Hymn Lyric

“Christ My Lord From ” is a hymn that tells a powerful love story of redemption. It highlights the incredible love and of Jesus, who came down from heaven to save us from guilt, sin, and shame. This hymn reminds us of the unconditional love that Christ offers, forgiveness, freedom, and salvation to all who believe.


Christ Jesus My Lord From Heaven Came – Hymn Lyric

Christ Jesus my Lord from heaven came,
To save me from guilt and sin and shame;
His death on the cross of Calvary
Brought pardon and gave me liberty.

I love Him because He first loved me,
He first loved me, He first loved me;
I love Him because He first loved me,
And died on the cross of Calvary.

He sweat drops of blood in prayer for me,
Heartbroken in dark Gethsemane.
While angels from blessed realms of light
Gave strength to His aching heart that night.

I love Him because He first loved me,
He first loved me, He first loved me;
I love Him because He first loved me,
And died on the cross of Calvary.

Up Calvary’s hill the cross He bore,
And for me a crown of thorns He wore.
They nailed Him upon the tree to die,
Then came over earth and sky.

I love Him because He first loved me,
He first loved me, He first loved me;
I love Him because He first loved me,
And died on the cross of Calvary.

My Lord who was slain by sinful man,
A wonderful Friend to me has been.
He rose from the tomb with victory,
And now I love Him who first loved me.

I love Him because He first loved me,
He first loved me, He first loved me;
I love Him because He first loved me,
And died on the cross of Calvary.


Meaning of Christ Jesus My Lord From Heaven Came

Christ Jesus My Lord From Heaven Came: A Love Story of Redemption

In this hymn, we are reminded of the incredible love that Christ Jesus, our Lord, demonstrated for us when He came down from heaven. It is a love that is beyond compare, a love that knows no boundaries, and a love that brings forgiveness, freedom, and salvation to all who believe.

The verse begins by highlighting the purpose of Jesus’ coming to earth – to save us from guilt, sin, and shame. We all have experienced these feelings at some point in our lives. Guilt for the wrong choices we have made, sin that separates us from God, and shame for the mistakes we cannot undo. But Jesus, out of His great love for us, willingly took our place on the cross of Calvary. His death brought us pardon and liberty, freeing us from the chains of sin and offering us a new beginning.

The chorus emphasizes the central theme of this hymn – love. We love Him because He loved us first. His love for us was not merely spoken, but it was demonstrated through His sacrificial death on the cross. Jesus’ love is not conditional, but it is all-encompassing, extending to every person, regardless of their past or present circumstances. This unconditional love is what draws us to Him and compels us to respond in love.

The hymn then takes us to the garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus, in His humanity, agonized and sweat drops of blood in prayer. It was a moment of great sorrow and , knowing the weight of the sins of the that He would bear. Yet, even in His darkest hour, angels from heaven appeared to strengthen Him. This shows us the immense love and compassion Jesus has for each one of us. He takes our burdens upon Himself, offering us comfort and strength in our times of need.

As we journey further into the hymn, we are reminded of the physical pain and suffering Jesus endured on Calvary’s hill. He willingly bore the cross and wore a crown of thorns for our sake. It was a moment of unimaginable anguish and humiliation, but Jesus endured it all because He loved us. His love knows no bounds, and He was willing to endure the worst of humanity’s cruelty to offer us redemption.

The hymn then describes the darkness that covered the earth and sky as Jesus hung on the cross. This darkness symbolizes the weight of sin and the separation it causes between humanity and God. But even in the darkness, Jesus’ love shone brightly. His sacrifice on the cross brought light and hope into the world. It is through His death and resurrection that we find forgiveness, reconciliation, and .

The final verse of the hymn reminds us of the victory Jesus achieved over sin and death. He rose triumphantly from the tomb, conquering sin and offering us new life. This resurrection is the ultimate proof of His love for us. It is a testament to His power and authority over all things. Because He lives, we can now experience a personal relationship with Him, and our love for Him grows deeper with each passing day.

In conclusion, “Christ Jesus My Lord From Heaven Came” is not just a hymn but a love story of redemption. It beautifully depicts the extent of Jesus’ love for us and the lengths He went to save us. We love Him because He first loved us, and His love is not just a mere sentiment but a life-changing reality. As we reflect on the words of this hymn, let us be reminded of the magnitude of His love and respond in a way that honors and glorifies Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the incredible love and redemption of Christ Jesus, our Lord, as He came down from heaven. His sacrifice on the cross brought forgiveness, freedom, and salvation. Discover the power of His love.


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