Christian Work For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Embrace the call to Christian work for Jesus and make a difference in the world. Work with feet

Christian Work For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

For Jesus” is a that reminds us of the importance of our actions as followers of Christ. It calls us to work with our feet, our lips, our hearts, and our prayers, reflecting our faith in Jesus in every aspect of our lives. When we faithfully work for Jesus, we will receive His sweet welcome into eternity with Him.


Christian Work For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

work for Jesus,
Who on for thee Labored, wearied, suffered, Died upon the tree.
Work with feet untiring,
By the Master led,
Help to free the drunkards From their bondage dread.

Work with lips so fervid That thy words may prove Thou hast brought a message From the God of .

Work with heart that burneth;
Humbly at His feet
Priceless gems to offer,
For His crown made meet.

Work with prayer unceasing,
Borne on faith’s strong wing,
Earnestly beseeching
Trophies for the King.

Work while strength endureth,
Until death draw near;
Then thy Lord’s sweet welcome Thou in shalt hear.


Meaning of Christian Work For Jesus

When I think about the title “Christian Work For Jesus,” I am reminded of the importance of our actions as followers of Christ. As Christians, it is not enough for us to simply believe in Jesus and attend church on Sundays. Our faith should be reflected in the we live our lives every day.

The hymn tells us that Jesus labored, wearied, suffered and died on a tree for us. This is a powerful reminder of the sacrifice that Jesus made for our salvation. It is because of this sacrifice that we, as Christians, are called to work for Him.

One way we can work for Jesus is by helping to free the drunkards from their bondage. This may involve offering support and encouragement to those struggling with addiction, or perhaps volunteering at a local rehabilitation center. Our actions can make a difference in the lives of those who are caught in the grip of alcoholism.

But it’s not only our actions that matter. The hymn also emphasizes the importance of our words. We should with fervor and passion, sharing the message of God’s love with others. Our words should reflect the joy and that we have found in Christ.

Our hearts should also be filled with a burning desire to serve Christ. We should humbly offer our lives as living sacrifices, presenting ourselves and our talents to Him. Just as precious gems are offered for a crown, we should offer our best to Christ, knowing that He deserves nothing less.

Prayer is another vital aspect of Christian work. We are called to pray unceasingly, lifting up our concerns and desires to God. Our prayers should be carried on the strong wings of faith, believing that God can and will answer them according to His will. Through prayer, we can intercede for others and seek God’s in our own lives.

Christian work is not something that we should do only when it is convenient or when we feel like it. The hymn reminds us to work while our strength endures. This means being diligent and faithful in our service to Christ, even when we are tired or discouraged. We should persevere, knowing that our labor is not in vain.

The final verse of the hymn speaks of the sweet welcome that awaits us in Heaven. When we have faithfully worked for Jesus throughout our lives, we will hear His voice welcoming us into eternity with Him. This is the ultimate reward for our Christian work.

In conclusion, “Christian Work For Jesus” is not just a catchy title or a nice idea. It is a call to action for every follower of Christ. We are called to work with our feet, our lips, our hearts, and our prayers. We are called to work diligently and faithfully, knowing that our labor is not in vain. And when we reach the end of our earthly journey, we will hear our Lord’s sweet welcome into eternity with Him. So let us embrace the call to Christian work and strive to make a difference in this world for the glory of Jesus.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace the call to Christian work for Jesus and make a difference in the world. Work with feet, lips, heart, and prayers to reflect His love and receive His sweet welcome in Heaven.


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