Close By My Side O Tender Love – Hymn Lyric

Get comfort and guidance from "Close By My Side O Tender Love" hymn. Discover the unwavering presence of love

Close By My Side O Tender Love – Hymn Lyric

In times of trouble and in moments of joy, there is someone who is always there, close by our side, guiding us through life’s . This , titled “Close By My Side O Tender Love,” beautifully captures the essence of this unwavering presence. Let’s delve into the verses and reflect on the comforting message they convey.


Close By My Side O Tender Love – Hymn Lyric

Close by my side, O tender love
That leads me to that above;
That keeps beside me all the way,
That leads me toward the perfect day.

Close by my side, close by my side,
He waits my feeble steps to guide;
O still with me abide
Close by my side, close by my side.

Thro’ sun and storm, thro’ joy and grief,
To sorrow bringing sweet relief;
And guarding with His tender hand,
When dangers thickly ’round me stand.


Forever faithful, loving true,
O Christ, my love, my life are due
Alone to Thee, most holy ,
Be with and keep me to the end.


Meaning of Close By My Side O Tender Love

In times of trouble and in moments of joy, there is someone who is always there, close by our side, guiding us through life’s journey. This hymn, titled “Close By My Side O Tender Love,” beautifully captures the essence of this unwavering presence. Let’s delve into the verses and reflect on the comforting message they convey.

The first verse sets the tone, invoking a feeling of warmth and security. It speaks of a love so tender and that it leads us to a home. Imagine having someone who walks beside you, every step of the way, guiding and supporting you through life’s ups and downs. This love is not transient but remains constant, allowing us to walk confidently towards a perfect day.

The chorus reinforces this idea, emphasizing the closeness and reliability of this love. With every feeble step we take, this Savior eagerly waits to guide us. It paints a picture of a caring companion who is always by our side, ready to offer a helping hand and provide direction whenever we need it.

Life is a tapestry of sunny days and stormy nights, filled with moments of joy and grief. In the second verse, the hymn acknowledges this reality. It reminds us that even in our darkest hour, this love brings sweet relief amidst sorrow. During times of danger, when it feels like the is closing in on us, the tender hand of this loving presence guards and protects us. It is a comforting thought that we are never alone, no matter how challenging life may become.

Unconditional love is a powerful force. The third verse acknowledges this by addressing Christ directly. It recognizes that all our love and life are owed to this most holy Friend. In a world where relationships can come and go, this love remains constant and loyal. It is a bond that cannot be broken, a support system that never falters. It is a love that we can always rely on, no matter what lies ahead.

As the hymn concludes with the chorus once more, it serves as a reminder to hold onto this love, to cherish it, and allow it to accompany us until the end. Its faithfulness and are unparalleled, and we should strive to reciprocate that love by keeping it close to our hearts.

“Close By My Side O Tender Love” embodies the idea of having a constant companion, someone to lean on through thick and thin. In times when we feel overwhelmed or uncertain, this hymn serves as a reminder that we are not alone. No matter the circumstances, this love remains steadfast, providing solace, guidance, and unwavering support.

This beloved hymn has resonated with countless individuals throughout the years, offering comfort and hope in times of need. Its timeless message continues to remind us of the deep love that surrounds us, inspiring us to keep this love close and to cherish its presence in our lives.

In conclusion, “Close By My Side O Tender Love” is a hymn that reminds us of the enduring presence of a love that never wavers. It offers solace in times of sorrow, protection in times of danger, and guidance in times of uncertainty. With every step we take, this unwavering love is right there beside us, ready to lead us towards a perfect day. Let us hold onto this love, keeping it close by our side, for it is a love that will never let us down.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Get comfort and guidance from Close By My Side O Tender Love hymn. Discover the unwavering presence of love, offering solace and protection in times of sorrow and danger. Keep this love close by your side.


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