Come Let Me Love Or Is My Mind Harden to Stone – Hymn Lyric

Experience the transformative power of Jesus' unconditional love in "Come Let Me Love." Discover how this hymn melts hearts of stone and moves even the most hardened minds. Open yourself to the embrace of love and find true transformation.

Come Let Me Love Or Is My Mind Harden to Stone – Hymn Lyric

“Come Let Me Love: The Unconditional Love of ” explores the powerful and transformative love shown by Jesus Christ. The hymn highlights the speaker’s awe at witnessing such immense love and questions their own ability to love in comparison. It serves as a reminder that even the hardest of hearts can be softened by love’s embrace.


Come Let Me Love Or Is My Mind Harden to Stone – Hymn Lyric

Come, let me love; or is my mind
Hardened to stone, or froze to ice!
I see the blessed fair one bend,
And stoop to embrace me from the skies.

O! ’tis a thought would melt a rock,
And make a heart of iron move,
That those sweet lips, that heavenly look,
Should seek and wish a mortal’s love.

I was a traitor doomed to fire,
Bound to sustain eternal pains;
He flew on wings of strong ,
Assumed my guilt, and took my chains.

Infinite grace! Almighty charms!
Stand in amaze, O earth and skies!
Jesus the God with naked arms,
Hangs on a cross of love and dies.

Did pity ever stoop so low,
Dressed in divinity and ?
Was ever rebel courted so
With groans of an expiring God?

Again he lives, and spreads his hands,
Hands that were nailed to torturing smart;
By these , says he, and stands
And prays to clasp me to his heart.

Sure I must love; or are my ears
Still deaf, nor will my passions move;
Then let me melt this heart to ;
This heart shall yield to of Love.


Meaning of Come Let Me Love Or Is My Mind Harden to Stone

Come Let Me Love: The Unconditional Love of Jesus

In the hymn “Come Let Me Love,” the speaker expresses their awe and amazement at the love and grace shown by Jesus Christ. The lyrics describe a love that is so powerful and transformative that it can melt hearts of stone and move even the most hardened minds.

The speaker begins by questioning their own ability to love. They wonder if their mind has become hardened to the point of being unfeeling, or if it has frozen with indifference. Despite their doubts, they witness the presence of a divine being reaching out to embrace them from the skies above. This sight itself is enough to stir their emotions and remind them of the power of love.

The speaker then reflects on their own sinful nature and the punishment they deserve. They describe themselves as a traitor condemned to fire, bound to endure eternal pain. Yet, in a surprising turn of events, Jesus appears with strong desire and willingly takes their guilt and suffering upon himself. The concept of infinite grace and Almighty charms overwhelms the speaker and invites both heaven and earth to stand in awe.

The hymn continues with a depiction of Jesus’ crucifixion. The speaker marvels at the extraordinary act of love in which Jesus, dressed in divinity and blood, offers himself as a sacrifice for rebellious humanity. They question whether any other rebel has ever been courted with the groans of a dying God. The sheer magnitude of this act is a testament to the depth of Jesus’ love.

But the does not end there. The hymn celebrates the of Jesus and the outstretched hands that were once nailed to the cross. Despite the torment he endured, Jesus extends his hands and invites the speaker to approach him. He longs to clasp them to his heart, symbolizing an intimate and personal connection.

Overwhelmed by this display of love, the speaker realizes that they must reciprocate. They acknowledge that if their ears are still deaf to this message of love, their passions remain unmoved. In response, they resolve to allow their heart to be melted by tears, surrendering to death in the embrace of love.

The message of “Come Let Me Love” is powerful and universal. It reminds us of the unconditional love that Jesus embodies and offers to all. In a world filled with conflicts, divisions, and hardened hearts, this hymn serves as a reminder to open ourselves to love and embrace the transformative power it holds.

No matter our backgrounds, mistakes, or doubts, we are invited to experience the love that can soften the hardest of hearts. Just as Jesus, with open arms and a willing sacrifice, beckons us to approach him, we too can respond by opening ourselves to the love of God.

In conclusion, “Come Let Me Love” encapsulates the profound depth of Jesus’ love for humanity. It serves as a reminder that no matter how hardened our minds or hearts may feel, there is always an opportunity for transformation through the power of love. Let us embrace this love and allow it to guide us in our relationships with others and our towards a more compassionate and empathetic world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the transformative power of Jesus' unconditional love in Come Let Me Love. Discover how this hymn melts hearts of stone and moves even the most hardened minds. Open yourself to the embrace of love and find true transformation.


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