Come O My Soul The Call Obey – Hymn Lyric

Join us on a sacred journey of contemplation and reflection

Come O My Soul The Call Obey – Hymn Lyric

Embark on a journey of introspection as we heed the divine call to align our with the teachings of our Lord. Through patience, humility, and unwavering faith, we are invited to walk the path of suffering and surrender, mirroring the grace and compassion of the “speechless Lamb.” Let us embrace His example of meekness and submission, allowing His love to guide us in facing ‘s challenges with grace and resilience.


Come O My Soul The Call Obey – Hymn Lyric

Come, O my , the call obey,
Take up the burden of thy Lord!
His practice is thy living way,
Thy guide His pure unerring Word;
The lovely perfect pattern read,
And haste in all His steps to tread.

What did my Lord from sinners bear?
His patience is the rule for me;
Walking in Him I cannot err:
And lo! the Man of Griefs I see
Whose life one scene of was,
Quite from the manger to the cross.

Here then my calling I discern,
‘Tis written in affliction’s book,
My first, and latest lesson learn,
For nothing here but sufferings look,
I bow me to the will divine,
To suffer with my Lord be mine.

To suffer as my Lord I come:
How did the Lamb His wrongs endure?
Clamorous and ? or meek, and dumb?
Did He by force His life secure?
His injured innocence defend;
Or bear His burden to the end?

Did He evade the pain, and shame,
Impatient of unjust disgrace?
Did He throw off the imputed blame?
Did He from spitting hide His face?
Did He to man for succor fly?
Or offer up Himself, and die?

When nature sank beneath her load,
Would He the dreadful cup decline?
Prostrate, and bruised, and sweating blood,
“Father, Thy will be done, not Mine,”
He speaks, and meets His enemies,
And gives them power Himself to seize.

The Word, which struck them to the ground,
Could it not strike them into hell?
Whom all the hosts of surround,
He will not force by force repel;
“Put up,” He cries, “thy needless sword,
Nor stain the meekness of thy Lord.”

He chides His rash disciple’s zeal,
Accepts nor man’s nor angel’s aid:
Vouchsafes His wounded foe to heal:
The hands that had His murderers made,
He stretches out; He lets them bind
The hands that could unmake mankind.

Doth He in deed or word gainsay,
Or ask or struggle to be freed?
They lead the speechless Lamb away:
To scorn, and pain, and death they lead
The speechless Lamb; resigned unto
The utmost earth and hell could do.

O that I might like Him withstand,
Like Him mine innocency clear,
Like Him resist the ruffian band,
Like Him refuse the cross to bear,
Like Him the persecutor fly,
Like Him submit to live, and die.


Meaning of Come O My Soul The Call Obey

Today, I invite you to join me on a sacred journey of contemplation and soulful introspection. Let us immerse ourselves deeply into the heart of these words, allowing them to be a mirror reflecting our innermost being, and a lamp guiding our steps forward.

Reflecting upon the lines: “Come, O my soul, the call obey,” we are tenderly summoned to heed a divine invitation—a call that beckons us not merely to follow, but to intimately align our hearts with the path of our Lord. This path is not a fleeting or superficial experience; it is a profound commitment that asks us to embrace the essence of His teachings, allowing His “pure unerring Word” to be our lamp and guide.

His life, described as “one scene of sufferings,” offers us a pattern of patience and unwavering faith. As we tread this sacred way, we are called to discern our own calling within the book of affliction. Our first and enduring lesson is one of humbling ourselves before the Divine will and accepting that suffering is not an end, but a bridge that brings us closer to understanding the depth of His love and sacrifice.

The words, “Father, Thy will be done, not Mine,” resonate deeply within our souls. We are reminded that even in the darkest moments, our Lord yielded to the Divine will with profound meekness and submission. He faced his trials not with force or resistance but with an open heart, embodying the ultimate surrender. It is in this sacred submission that we discover our true strength and resilience.

How often do we, in our human frailty, wrestle against the burdens that life presents us? How frequently do we resist the uncomfortable, shielding ourselves from pain and anguish? Yet, in our striving for comfort, we miss the opportunity to grow, to deepen our faith, and to connect with the profound humanity of our Lord, who bore His sufferings with grace and dignity. Instead of shielding ourselves, can we, too, say, “Father, Thy will be done”?

In the description of our Lord’s response to His persecutors, we witness a profound act of love and humility. He did not forcefully repel His enemies but instead embraced them with forgiveness and offered healing—even to those who sought to harm Him. This act of boundless compassion and nonresistance stands as a testament to the power of love over force, patience over impulsivity, and grace over retribution.

As we delve deeper into these teachings, may we gain the courage to emulate such profound humility in our own lives. Let us strive to meet our adversities with patience, , and a steadfast heart, trusting that in doing so, we follow the holy footsteps of our Lord.

In our personal moments of vulnerability, let us remember the “speechless Lamb” who was led to suffering and death without complaint or resistance. This imagery serves as a solemn reminder that true strength lies in our ability to endure with grace, to embrace our humanity with compassion, and to offer our lives in service of a higher calling.

, may we learn to reflect this sacred patience and humility in our daily interactions, and may we be inspired to offer our lives as a testament to the divine love that our Lord so profoundly demonstrated. In doing so, we not only honor His memory but awaken within ourselves a deeper, more compassionate self-view and a more authentic connection with the around us.

In this journey of self-discovery and acceptance, may we always strive to “submit to live, and die” like Him, embodying the values of love, patience, and heartfelt surrender to the Divine.

With heartfelt sincerity and a soul yearning for deeper connection,


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Join us on a sacred journey of contemplation and reflection, embracing the path of patience and surrender. Learn to follow in the footsteps of our Lord with grace and humility. Come, O My Soul, The Call Obey.


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