Come Thou Weary Jesus Calls Thee – Hymn Lyric

Find comfort and rest in Jesus. Answer His call. He offers solace and love. Open your heart and embrace His invitation. Don't hesitate.

Come Thou Weary Jesus Calls Thee – Hymn Lyric

Feeling tired and worn out? Look no further! Jesus is calling out to you, ready to heal your weary and provide a of refuge. Embrace His and find solace in His comforting embrace.


Come Thou Weary Jesus Calls Thee – Hymn Lyric

Come, thou weary, Jesus calls
To His wounded side;
Come to me, saith He, and ever
Safe abide.

Seeking Jesus? Jesus seeks thee-
Wants thee as thou art;
He is knocking, ever knocking,
At thy .

If thou let Him, He will save thee-
Make thee all His own;
Guide thee, keep thee, take thee, dying,
To His throne.

Wilt thou still refuse His offer?
Wilt thou say Him nay?
Wilt thou let Him, grieved, rejected,
Go away?

Dost thou feel thy life is weary?
Is thy soul distressed?
Take His offer, wait no longer;
Be at rest!


Meaning of Come Thou Weary Jesus Calls Thee

Come Thou Weary, Jesus Calls Thee: Finding Comfort and Rest in Jesus

Are you feeling tired and worn out? Do you ever wish there was someone who could offer you solace and peace? Well, look no further! Jesus is calling out to you, ready to heal your weary soul and provide a place of refuge. In this , the message is clear – Jesus wants you just as you are, and He is eager to bring you into His loving embrace.

Perhaps you may be hesitant, unsure of whether to answer Jesus’ call. But fear not, for His invitation is genuine and sincere. He seeks to find you, not to judge or condemn you, but to offer His everlasting love and . He is knocking at the door of your heart, patiently waiting for you to invite Him in. All you need to do is open your heart and let Him in, and He will bring you the ultimate safety and security you long for.

Imagine the and peace that can be found in Jesus. If you allow Him to be your savior, He will save you from the burdens and troubles that weigh you down. He will be with you every step of the way, guiding and protecting you in every aspect of your life. He will take you as His own, cherishing and treasuring you as a precious child of God. Even in the face of death, Jesus promises to lead you to His throne, where you will find rest and everlasting happiness.

However, Jesus respects your free will and gives you the choice to accept or reject His offer. He will never force Himself upon you. But think deeply about this opportunity – will you turn Him away, or will you open your heart and embrace His love? By rejecting Him, you may bring sadness and disappointment to His heart. But by accepting Him, you will find relief from the weariness and distress that weighs upon your soul.

If you find yourself feeling weary and burdened, unsure of where to turn, Jesus is extending His hand to you. He is waiting to alleviate your sorrows and bring you the comfort you long for. Don’t wait any longer, as His offer is open to you right now. Take this chance to find rest and be at peace in the embrace of His love.

Remember, you are not alone in your struggles. Jesus understands the weariness and distress you may be feeling, and He desires to offer you His love and healing. His invitation is not just for a select few – it is for anyone who is willing to accept it. Regardless of your past mistakes or current circumstances, Jesus accepts you as you are and wants to bring you into a close relationship with Him.

So, next time you feel weary and burdened, think of the hymn’s title – “Come Thou Weary, Jesus Calls Thee.” It is a reminder that Jesus beckons you to find solace and rest in Him. By turning to Him, you will find a love that surpasses all understanding, a comfort that cannot be found anywhere else.

In conclusion, if you are feeling worn out and in need of comfort, remember that Jesus is calling out to you. He wants to bring you peace and rest. His invitation is open to all, and all He asks is for you to open your heart and invite Him in. Don’t hesitate, but instead, embrace the love and solace that He offers. You deserve it. So come, thou weary, and let Jesus provide the comfort and rest that your soul longs for.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find comfort and rest in Jesus. Answer His call. He offers solace and love. Open your heart and embrace His invitation. Don't hesitate.


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