Dear Center Of My Best Souls Desires – Hymn Lyric

Find true fulfillment and purpose by surrendering to the dear center of your best soul's desires - Jesus. Let His love fill your heart and guide your life. Experience the joy and bliss He brings.

Dear Center Of My Best Souls Desires – Hymn Lyric

The title, “Dear Center Of My Best Souls Desires,” encapsulates the heartfelt longing and devotion of the speaker towards . The content showcases the speaker’s deep connection to Jesus and their desire for His love and guidance. The keyword, “Dear Center Of My Best Souls Desires,” is emphasized throughout the summary, highlighting the speaker’s profound yearning for Jesus in a way that resonates with the intended audience.


Dear Center Of My Best Souls Desires – Hymn Lyric

Dear center of my best desires,
And sov’reign of my heart,
What sweet thy name inspires!
What bliss thy smiles impart!

Jesus-O loveliest, dearest name!
And wilt thou condescend
To own the bold, yet humble claim,
My everlasting ?

Too oft, alas, my passions rove,
In search of meaner charms;
Trifles unworthy of my love
Divide me from thy arms.

Ye teazing vanities depart,
I seek my absent Lord;
No balm to ease my aching heart,
Can all your joys afford.

Come, dearest Lord, with pow’r divine,
And drive thy foes away;
O be my heart, my passions thine,
And never, never stray.


Meaning of Dear Center Of My Best Souls Desires

Dear Center Of My Best Souls Desires

Oh, how my heart is filled with and delight when I think about you, dear Jesus. Your name alone inspires such sweet delight in my . Just the sound of your name brings pure bliss and happiness to my heart. You are the ruler of my heart, the one who holds my best desires and dreams.

Jesus, your name is the loveliest and dearest of all. And to think that you would condescend to call me your friend, it fills my heart with awe and gratitude. You are my everlasting friend, always there, always loyal, always loving. What a privilege it is to have you by my side, guiding me through life’s twists and turns.

But I must , there are times when my passions wander away from you. I am easily tempted by the allure of fleeting pleasures and trivial pursuits. These distractions, these meaner charms, divide my heart and pull me away from your loving embrace. I lose sight of what truly matters and find myself tangled in the snares of this world.

Oh, how I long for these teazing vanities to depart from my life. I no longer want to be entangled in their web of empty promises and temporary gratifications. My soul yearns for something greater, something . I seek my absent Lord, my dear Jesus, who is the only one who can bring true peace and contentment to my aching heart.

No earthly joy, no material possession, no thrill or excitement can ever compare to the balm that can soothe my wounded heart. Only you, my dear Jesus, have the power to heal the deepest wounds and bring lasting joy to my soul. I long for your presence, for your love, for your comforting embrace. You are the one who can drive away all my foes, all the worries and fears that plague my mind.

Dear Lord, I that you would come with your divine power and fill my heart with your presence. I surrender my passions, my desires, and my very being to you. Make my heart your dwelling place, and let me never, never stray away from your loving arms. Take control of my emotions, my thoughts, and my actions. Let everything that I do, everything that I am, be dedicated to you.

As I align my heart and my desires with yours, I know that true fulfillment and purpose will be found. In your arms, dear Jesus, I am safe and secure. In your love, I find rest and peace. me to always remember that it is in you, and only in you, that my best desires find their true fulfillment.

Dear Center Of My Best Souls Desires, my everlasting friend, I thank you for your love, your grace, and your presence in my life. May my heart forever be filled with the delight of your name, and may my soul always remain close to your loving embrace. Amen.

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find true fulfillment and purpose by surrendering to the dear center of your best soul's desires - Jesus. Let His love fill your heart and guide your life. Experience the joy and bliss He brings.


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