Deeper Yet – Hymn Lyric

Discover the transformative power of the cross with "Deeper Yet." Explore forgiveness

Deeper Yet – Hymn Lyric

Title: Deeper Yet: Unveiling the Power of the Cross In “Deeper Yet,” we embark on a profound of purification and connection with our through the boundless power of the cross. This hymn explores the transformative nature of ‘ sacrifice, inviting us to delve deeper into the crimson flood of His blood to find forgiveness, sanctification, and an intimate relationship with God. As we continuously seek His presence and pray for purity, we uncover the true depth of the cross’s transformative power in our lives.


Deeper Yet – Hymn Lyric

In the blood from the cross,
I have been washed from sin;
But to be free from dross,
Still I would enter in.

Deeper yet, deeper yet,
Into the crimson flood;
Deeper yet, deeper yet,
Under the precious blood.

Day by day, hour by hour,
Blessings are sent to me;
But for more of His power,
Ever my prayer shall be.

Near to Christ I would live,
Following Him each day;
What I ask He will give;
So then with faith I pray.

Now I have peace, sweet peace,
While in this world of sin;
But to pray I’ll not cease
Till I am pure within.


Meaning of Deeper Yet

Deeper Yet: Exploring the Boundless Cleansing Power of the Cross

In the vast universe of miracles, few can surpass the transformative power of the cross. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we find unending hope, forgiveness, and redemption. As we delve into the depth of this hymn, “Deeper Yet,” we embark on a journey seeking purification and an intimate connection with our Savior.

The opening verse declares, “In the blood from the cross, I have been washed from sin.” Can you fathom the enormity of this statement? In the crimson flood of Christ’s blood, our sins are not merely wiped away but washed away entirely. Picture a rushing river, strong enough to cleanse the darkest stains from our . Through Jesus, our hearts are made clean, inviting us to live in the light of His love.

While the first verse celebrates our initial cleansing, the hymn reminds us that there is more to discover. “But to be free from dross, still I would enter in” speaks to our yearning for a deeper connection with God. The Word tells us that once we accept Jesus into our hearts, we are a new creation, but there is a lifelong journey of sanctification ahead. We must continuously strive to rid ourselves of impurities, shedding the dross of our old selves to resonate more closely with the character of Christ.

Here, the sings, “Deeper yet, deeper yet, into the crimson flood.” Imagine taking a step further into that refreshing stream, feeling the coolness envelop you and wash away all that hinders your walk with God. Each step in the divine flood carries us closer to His presence, releasing burdens and insecurities as we surrender ourselves to His grace.

The second verse urges us to embrace a prayerful life, one that seeks the fullness of God’s power. “Day by day, hour by hour, blessings are sent to me; but for more of His power, ever my prayer shall be.” The intimate relationship we cultivate with God through prayer deepens our understanding of His will and strengthens our ability to seek His power in our lives. Just as a young continually asks for his parent’s help, so should we persistently pray for God’s guidance, strength, and .

“Near to Christ I would live, following Him each day; what I ask, He will give; so then with faith I pray.” What a comforting assurance that we can draw near to Christ and walk in His footsteps. He is our guide in this journey of faith, illuminating our path and leading us to a life filled with purpose. Our heavenly delights in answering our prayers, aware of our needs and desires, but it is our faith that brings us closer to His blessings.

The closing verse prompts us to reflect upon the peace we have found in amidst a world tainted by sin. “Now I have peace, sweet peace, while in this world of sin; but to pray, I’ll not cease, till I am pure within.” in Jesus brings us a peace that transcends understanding, soothing our troubled hearts and shielding us amidst the storms of life. Yet, our desire to be pure within, to wholly resemble Christ, fuels an unwavering commitment to prayer. It is through prayer that we invite His transformative power to within us, molding us into vessels of His love and righteousness.

In these four verses, we uncover a spiritually enriching journey towards a deeper understanding of God’s infinite love and boundless cleansing power. As we explore the hymn, “Deeper Yet,” we discover that the cross is not merely a one-time event but an ongoing process in which we immerse ourselves deeper into the crimson flood of Christ’s blood. It is through this process that we experience the transformative power of the cross, embracing forgiveness, sanctification, and an intimate relationship with our Savior. Let us continually seek His presence, praying without ceasing, until we are pure within.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the transformative power of the cross with Deeper Yet. Explore forgiveness, sanctification, and an intimate relationship with our Savior. Delve deeper into the crimson flood of Christ's blood for boundless cleansing.


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