Earth’s Harvest Of Souls Is Come – Hymn Lyric

Discover the message of hope and redemption amidst Earth's harvest of souls. Find solace and protection in the day of His wrath

Earth’s Harvest Of Souls Is Come – Hymn Lyric

With the title “Earth’s Harvest of Is Come,” this message of hope and redemption reminds us that amidst the changing seasons, there is still hope through. As the storm clouds gather and the tempest roars, we are called to confront our inner demons and seek redemption. Let us embrace this opportunity to grow, stand together in unity, and find solace in the presence. Earth’s harvest of souls is here, but so too is the day of redemption and restoration.


Earth’s Harvest Of Souls Is Come – Hymn Lyric

Earth’s harvest of souls is come,
Her summer forever past;
How solemn the thought!
The deluge of doom
Breaks over the world at last.

The day of His wrath is come: Who shall be able, be able to stand?
Who mid the floods of devouring flame
In safety shall dwell at the King’s right hand?
Who mid the floods of devouring flame
Shall dwell, shall dwell,
Shall dwell at the King’s right hand?

O hark to the awful din!
The tempest beclouds the sky;
And now from the slaves
Of death and of sin
Ariseth this bitter cry:


What horror of grim despair!
All faces are wan and pale;
The host of the lost
Are gathering here
To join in one hopeless wail:


No longer may peace be sought,
No longer are sins forgiv’n;
The Judge has decreed
He knoweth them not,
And barred is the gate of Heav’n:


O wand’rer, return to ,
The message of love ;
O spurn not the call-
Believe on the Lord,
And stand in that fearful day:


Meaning of Earth’s Harvest Of Souls Is Come

Earth’s Harvest of Souls Is Come: A Message of Hope and Redemption

Oh, how the seasons change! Just like the vibrant colors of fall fading into the cold depths of winter, Earth’s harvest of souls is complete, and summer’s warmth and joy seem like a distant memory. But fear not, my friends, for amidst the storm clouds that gather above, there is still hope shining through.

As the great deluge of doom breaks over the world, it is only natural to feel a sense of solemnity. But let me assure you that there is a of light amidst this night. The day of His wrath is upon us, and we must ask ourselves, who shall be able to stand in the face of such trials? Who shall find solace and protection amidst the floods of devouring flame?

Close your eyes and imagine the scene unfolding before you. The tempest roars, and the sky is clouded with an awful din. It is at this very moment that the slaves of death and sin raise their voices in a bitter cry, their faces pale with horror and despair. But remember, my dear ones, this is not the end of the story.

In the midst of the chaos, there is a message of love that cuts through the noise. Peace may seem elusive, and sins may appear unforgivable, but there is still hope to be found. The Judge, in His infinite , has made His decree, and though it may seem harsh, it is not without reason. The gate to heaven may temporarily be barred, but it is not a forever plight.

To those who have lost their way, to the wanderers yearning for purpose, I say this: Return to God. Obey the call of love that resonates deep within your soul. Do not spurn this opportunity for redemption and salvation. Believe in the Lord, for it is through Him that you shall find solace and protection in that fearful day.

We are all on a journey, and sometimes we stumble and stray from the path. But it is during these darkest moments that the light brightest. The harvest of souls may seem ominous and final, but it is also a time of transformation and growth. Let us not be disheartened, but let us embrace the opportunity to mend our ways, to seek forgiveness, and to our spirits.

As the hymn suggests, no longer can peace be sought through the same means. The rules have changed, and we must adapt. The gate may be temporarily closed, but it is a call for us to grow stronger, kinder, and more compassionate. For in this time of gathering, where the lost unite in their despair, we must become beacons of hope and love.

So, my dear friends, let us rise above the clamor and choose a different path. Let us stand together as the day of His wrath unfolds, hand in hand, supporting and uplifting one another. For it is through unity and faith in the face of adversity that we shall find our place at the King’s right hand, dwelling in safety amidst the floods of devouring flame.

Earth’s harvest of souls is come, and it is a call for us to confront our own inner demons and seek redemption. Let us cherish this opportunity, for it is through our own growth and transformation that we can make this world a better place. Let love guide us, let faith sustain us, and let hope ignite the flame in our hearts.

Remember, my dear ones, as we navigate these tumultuous waters together, we are not alone. The hand of the divine is reaching out to us, beckoning us to return, to believe, and to stand tall. Let us heed this call, and in doing so, find solace in the knowledge that even amidst the darkest storms, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow.

The day of His wrath is come, but so too is the day of redemption and restoration. Let us embrace this moment, and together, we shall dwell at the King’s right hand, finding strength and peace in His divine presence.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the message of hope and redemption amidst Earth's harvest of souls. Find solace and protection in the day of His wrath, standing tall at the King's right hand.


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