Father Of Jesus Christ The Just – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible bond between God and His Son

Father Of Jesus Christ The Just – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn titled “Father of Jesus Christ the just,” we are reminded of the deep bond between God the Father and Jesus Christ. The hymn expresses a longing to trust in Jesus and have Him revealed in our hearts. It acknowledges that true faith is a gift from God and that through faith in Jesus, we can approach the Father and experience His and .


Father Of Jesus Christ The Just – Hymn Lyric

Father of Jesus Christ, the just,
My friend and advocate with thee,
Pity a soul that fain would trust
In him who lived and died for me;
But only canst make him known,
And in my heart reveal thy son.

If drawn by thine alluring grace,
My want of living faith I feel,
Show me in Christ thy smiling face,
What flesh and blood can ne’er reveal;
Thy co- Son display,
And call my into day.

The gift unspeakable impart;
Command the light of faith to shine;
To shine in my dark drooping heart,
And fill me with the life divine:
Now bid the new creation be:
O God, let there be faith in me.


Meaning of Father Of Jesus Christ The Just

In this beautiful hymn, titled “Father of Jesus Christ the just,” we are reminded of the incredible bond and relationship between God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. The hymn expresses a deep longing to trust in Jesus and have Him revealed in our hearts.

The first verse begins by addressing God as the Father of Jesus Christ. This title signifies the close familial relationship between the Father and the Son. It highlights the fact that Jesus is not just an ordinary man, but the Son of God. The hymn goes on to describe Jesus as our Friend and Advocate. This portrays Jesus not only as the Savior but also as someone who intercedes on our behalf to the Father. The hymn speaks of the soul’s desire to trust in Jesus and seek Him as the one who lived and died for us.

The second verse acknowledges that it is only God who can make Jesus known to us. It emphasizes the need for God to reveal His Son in our hearts. This prayer recognizes that without God’s intervention, we are unable to truly understand and have faith in Jesus. The hymn speaks of the longing to feel the alluring grace of God and to see His smiling face through Christ. It acknowledges that no human means can accomplish this revelation, but rather it is God’s to display His co-eternal Son and bring light into our lives.

The third verse pleads for the unspeakable gift to be imparted. This gift refers to the gift of faith, which is beyond words and understanding. The hymn calls upon God to command the light of faith to shine in our dark, drooping hearts. It acknowledges that true faith comes from God alone and that it has the power to fill us with divine life. The hymn then becomes a prayer, asking God to create a new work in us and bring faith.

As we reflect on this hymn, we can see the deep desire and yearning for faith in the heart of the writer. It speaks to the universal human longing to trust in something greater than ourselves and to find meaning and purpose in life. The hymn recognizes that this trust and faith can only be found in Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God and our Advocate.

The title of this hymn, “Father of Jesus Christ the just,” encapsulates the essence of its message. It emphasizes the righteousness and justice of Jesus Christ, who served as the perfect sacrifice for our . The hymn reminds us that it is through faith in Jesus that we can approach the Father and experience His love and grace.

In conclusion, “Father of Jesus Christ the just” is a heartfelt plea for faith and trust in Jesus. It reminds us that true faith is a gift from God and cannot be achieved through our own efforts. As we seek a deeper relationship with Jesus, we can rely on God to reveal His Son in our hearts and bring forth the light of faith. May we echo the sentiments of this hymn and pray, “O God, let there be faith in me.”


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible bond between God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Learn how to trust in Him and have faith revealed in your heart. Father of Jesus Christ the just, is a beautiful hymn that reminds us of the righteousness and justice of Jesus.


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