Father Of Love Our Guide And Friend – Hymn Lyric
“Father of Love Our Guide and Friend: Finding Peace and Strength in Life’s Journey” encourages us to trust in our Heavenly Father’s guidance and love as we navigate through the unpredictable paths of life. The hymn reminds us that sacrifices may be necessary, but with the strength provided by God, we can endure any challenges we face. It teaches us to follow in the footsteps of Christ, finding fulfillment in doing the will of our Father. With the Father of Love as our Guide and Friend, we are never alone on this journey.
Table of Contents
Father Of Love Our Guide And Friend – Hymn Lyric
Father of Love, our Guide and Friend, O lead us gently on,
Until life’s trial-time shall end, And heavenly peace be won.
We know not what the path may be As yet by us untrod;
But we can trust our all to Thee, Our Father and Our God.
If called, like Abraham’s child, to climb The hill of sacrifice,
Some angel may be there in time; Deliverance shall arise;
Or if some darker lot be good, O teach us to endure
The sorrow, pain, or solitude, That makes the spirit pure.
Christ by no flowery pathway came; And we, His followers here,
Must do Thy will and praise Thy name, In hope, and love, and fear.
And, till in heaven we sinless bow, And faultless anthems raise,
O Father, Son, and Spirit now Accept our feeble praise.
Meaning of Father Of Love Our Guide And Friend
Father of Love Our Guide and Friend: Finding Peace and Strength in Life’s Journey
Life is often compared to a journey, where we navigate through various paths filled with ups and downs. It can be unpredictable, presenting us with challenges and obstacles we never anticipated. However, in this beautiful hymn titled “Father of Love, Our Guide and Friend,” we are reminded that we do not have to face this journey alone. With the guidance and love of our Heavenly Father, we can find peace, strength, and endurance.
The hymn begins by addressing our Heavenly Father as the “Guide and Friend.” Just like a guide leads us through unfamiliar terrain, our Heavenly Father lovingly leads us along the path of life. He understands that we may be unsure of what lies ahead, but we are encouraged to trust in Him completely. We can surrender our worries, doubts, and uncertainties to our Father, knowing that He will guide us safely through any challenges we may face.
Reflecting on the story of Abraham, the hymn suggests that even when we are called to make sacrifices, we are not alone. Abraham’s faith was tested when he was asked to sacrifice his son, but as he climbed that hill, an angel was there in time to save him. Similarly, when we encounter difficult decisions or situations that require sacrifice, we can trust that divine intervention will come at the right moment. Our Father of Love will provide us with the deliverance and strength we need to face such trials.
It is important for us to acknowledge that not all paths in life are filled with flowers and sunshine. Just like Jesus Himself experienced hardships, we too may find ourselves in dark and challenging circumstances. However, the hymn encourages us to endure those difficult moments with grace and courage, knowing that they can refine and purify our spirits. Through sorrow, pain, or solitude, we can grow in character, deepening our trust in our Heavenly Father.
While we may long for a smooth and effortless journey, the hymn reminds us that doing our Father’s will is central to our purpose as followers of Christ. Jesus took no easy path during His time on earth, and in the same way, we are called to do His will. By embracing the joys and challenges that come our way, we can praise God’s name and live our lives with hope, love, and a reverent fear of His glory.
As we journey through life, our ultimate goal is to reach a place of complete holiness and sinlessness. This final destination is where we will bow before our Father in heaven, raising faultless anthems of praise. Until that glorious day, we recognize our feeble human nature and our limited ability to offer perfect praise. However, the hymn concludes with a humble plea to the Father, Son, and Spirit to accept our imperfect but heartfelt worship.
In conclusion, “Father of Love, Our Guide and Friend” serves as a source of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration for us all. It teaches us to trust in our Heavenly Father’s guidance, even when the path is unknown. We are reminded that sacrifices may be necessary, but we can endure with the strength provided by our loving God. Our journey may not always be easy, but by following in the footsteps of Christ, we can find fulfillment in doing the will of our Father. And as we continue on this journey towards holiness, we offer our imperfect praise, knowing that our Heavenly Father always accepts our sincere hearts.
May this hymn remind us of the love and guidance we have in our Heavenly Father, encouraging us to face life’s challenges with hope and endurance. Let us embark on our journey, knowing that we are never alone, for we have the Father of Love as our Guide and Friend. Amen.
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