Fire In The Soul – Hymn Lyric

Ignite your soul with the burning love of God! Feel the power and glory within your heart. Experience the divine fire that fills you with joy and hope. Let the love of God shine bright in your life. Find peace in His holy flame.

Fire In The Soul – Hymn Lyric

Have you ever felt the fire in your , glowing with the of God every day? This burning love fills you up and washes away your sins, leaving your heart pure and bright as snow. Surrender all to Him and keep the flame burning bright, for His holy fire will ignite your with joy, peace, and hope.


Fire In The Soul – Hymn Lyric

Is the Spirit glowing in thy heart?
Oh, my brother, can you say
That you feel the burning love of God
In thy bosom day by day?

Yes, ’tis love, ’tis burning love divine,
Filling all my soul’s ;
Oh, how sweet its glories ever shine!
Now I feel the glowing fire.

Has the merit of the blood divine
Swept away thy sinful stain?
And does heaven’s glory in Thee shine,
Ever bright and holy flame?

Is thy hope unclouded by a fear?
! do you know
That the love of God is burning clear
In thy heart as white as snow?

Do you feel the mighty, living pow’r,
Filling all thy mortal frame?
And does all thy heart forever pour
Streams of glory to His name?

If thy all is on the laid,
Guard it from each vain desire;
When thy soul the perfect price hath paid,
God will send the holy fire.


Meaning of Fire In The Soul

Have you ever stopped to think about the Spirit glowing in your heart? It’s a powerful feeling, like a burning love that comes from God. Can you say that you feel this love in your heart every day?

I can definitely say that I feel this love divine in my soul. It fills me up and makes me feel complete. The glories of this love shine in my life, like a glowing fire that warms my heart.

The merit of the blood divine has washed away my sinful stains. I feel like heaven’s glory is shining down on me, filling me with a bright and holy flame. It’s a feeling of pure joy and peace that I can’t quite explain.

Do you have hope in your heart that is unclouded by fear? It’s a wonderful feeling to know that the love of God is burning clear in your heart, making it as white as snow. This of pure love is something truly special.

I can feel the mighty, living power of God filling me up. It flows through my mortal frame, giving me strength and courage to face each day. My heart overflows with glory and praise to His name because of this incredible power.

When you lay everything on the altar and surrender it all to God, He will you with His holy fire. It’s important to guard your heart from vain desires and keep your focus on Him. When you have paid the price with your soul, God will send His holy fire to ignite your spirit.

So, my brothers and sisters, let the fire in your soul burn bright with the love of God. Feel that glowing fire within you, filling you with joy, peace, and hope. Let His power flow through you, guiding you on your journey. And remember, when you give your all to Him, He will send His holy fire to light up your life. Keep the flame burning bright and never let it go out. Amen!


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Ignite your soul with the burning love of God! Feel the power and glory within your heart. Experience the divine fire that fills you with joy and hope. Let the love of God shine bright in your life. Find peace in His holy flame.


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