Fly Ye Seasons Fly Still Faster – Hymn Lyric

Anticipate the glorious day with "Fly Ye Seasons Fly Still Faster." Let the joy of the Gospel outweigh earthly treasures as we await Jesus' return.

Fly Ye Seasons Fly Still Faster – Hymn Lyric



Fly Ye Seasons Fly Still Faster – Hymn Lyric

Fly, ye seasons, fly still faster;
Let the glorious day on,
When we shall behold our Master
Seated on His heavenly ;

Then the Savior
Shall descend to claim His own.

What is earth with all its treasures,
To the the Gospel brings?
Well may we resign its pleasures,
Jesus gives us better things;

All His people
Draw from Heaven’s eternal springs.

But if here we taste of pleasure,
What will Heaven itself afford?
There our joy will know no measure;
There we shall behold our Lord;

There His people
Shall obtain their bright reward.

Fly, ye seasons, fly still faster;
Swiftly bring the glorious day;
Jesus, come, our Lord and Master!
Come from Heaven without delay;

Take Thy people,
Take, O take us hence away!


Meaning of Fly Ye Seasons Fly Still Faster

Fly Ye Seasons Fly Still Faster: A Hopeful of Anticipation

As I listen to the beautiful words of this hymn, my heart fills with anticipation for the glorious day when we shall see our Master seated on His heavenly throne. It is a day when all the seasons of this earth will fly by, and the joy of the Gospel will be our ultimate .

In this hymn, we are reminded that the pleasures of this earthly life pale in comparison to the joy that Jesus brings. Earthly treasures may captivate our attention for a moment, but they are nothing compared to the eternal blessings that our Savior offers us. Jesus gives us better things, things that draw from Heaven’s eternal springs.

But what is it that Heaven itself will afford us? The hymn tells us that our joy will know no measure in the presence of our Lord. Can you imagine a joy so overwhelming that it exceeds anything we have ever experienced? In Heaven, we will behold our Savior, and that in itself is a reward beyond measure.

As we eagerly await the return of our Lord, we can find comfort in the that although we may taste of pleasure here on Earth, it is only a glimpse of what awaits us in Heaven. Our earthly joys are merely a whisper compared to the resounding symphony of happiness that will fill our in the presence of our Savior.

So, as we sing these hopeful words, we long for the day when the seasons will fly even faster, us closer to the glorious day of our Lord’s return. We yearn for Jesus to come, our Lord and Master, to descend from Heaven without delay.

In these uncertain times, it can be easy to lose hope and grow weary. However, this hymn reminds us to hold on to our faith and trust in the promises of our Savior. It encourages us to eagerly anticipate His return and to yearn for the day when He takes His people home.

We long to be taken away from the troubles and pains of this world. We yearn to leave behind the struggles and temptations that weigh us down. We desire to be in the presence of our Lord, where all our worries will fade away in the light of His love.

So, let us sing with conviction, letting our voices fill the air with hope and anticipation. Fly, ye seasons, fly still faster, for we long for the glorious day when our Savior will return. Let us call out to Jesus, our Lord and Master, urging Him to come from Heaven without delay.

As we sing this hymn, let us remember the promise that Jesus made to His disciples and to all who believe in Him. He said, “I go to prepare a for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”

So, my dear friends, let our hearts be filled with joy and hope as we eagerly await the day when the seasons will fly faster, and our Lord will descend to claim His own. Let us hold on to the truth that Heaven itself will afford us a joy beyond measure, and that our bright reward awaits us in the loving arms of our Savior.

Fly, ye seasons, fly still faster! Swiftly bring the glorious day! Jesus, come, our Lord and Master! Come from Heaven without delay! Take Thy people, take, O take us hence away!

In conclusion, this hymn fills our hearts with hope and anticipation for the day of our Lord’s return. It reminds us that the pleasures of this world are nothing compared to the joy that Jesus brings. As we eagerly wait for His arrival, let us hold on to our faith and trust in the promises of our Savior. May our voices unite in singing these words, filled with hope and longing for the day when the seasons will fly even faster.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Anticipate the glorious day with Fly Ye Seasons Fly Still Faster. Let the joy of the Gospel outweigh earthly treasures as we await Jesus' return.


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