Following Jesus – Hymn Lyric
Following Jesus is more than just a religious practice, it’s about living in His teachings and showing love to others. Jesus will lead us on the path to heaven, guiding us day and night. By following Him, we experience His love, forgiveness, and grace, ultimately finding true happiness and freedom in His presence.
Table of Contents
Following Jesus – Hymn Lyric
Following Jesus, following Jesus,
Gently He leads me in the heavenly way;
Watching and praying, trusting, obeying,
He will restrain me from going astray.
Following Jesus, following Jesus,
Following Jesus by day and by night;
Watching and praying, trusting, obeying,
He is my helper in doing the right.
Following Jesus, following Jesus,
He who has suffered to redeem me from sin;
Oh, what a blessing, while I’m confessing,
He in His fullness is reigning within.
Following Jesus, following Jesus,
I am delighted with His wonderful love;
While I’m confiding, in Him I’m hiding,
Soon I shall meet Him in heaven above.
Following Jesus, following Jesus,
This is my duty for His goodness to me;
Joyful in glory, telling the story,
How in His favor I’m happy and free.
Meaning of Following Jesus
Have you ever thought about what it means to truly follow Jesus? It’s more than just going to church on Sundays or saying a quick prayer every now and then. It’s about living in the way that Jesus taught us, showing love and compassion to others, and trusting in Him every step of the way.
When we follow Jesus, we allow Him to lead us on the path to heaven. We watch and pray, trusting in His guidance and obeying His teachings. He helps us stay on the right track, keeping us from going astray. It’s like having a constant companion by our side, day and night, helping us make good choices and do what is right.
Jesus suffered to redeem us from sin, showing us the ultimate act of love and sacrifice. When we confess our sins and ask for His forgiveness, He fills us with His spirit and reigns within us. What a blessing it is to have His presence in our lives, guiding us and giving us strength.
As we follow Jesus, we are filled with His wonderful love. We can confide in Him, knowing that He is always there for us. And one day, we will be able to meet Him in heaven, where we will experience the fullness of His glory and love.
Following Jesus is not just a choice, it is a duty. We do it out of gratitude for all the goodness He has shown us. We are joyful in His presence, telling others about the story of His love and grace. In His favor, we are truly happy and free.
So let us continue to follow Jesus, each and every day. Let us walk in His ways, showing love and kindness to all we meet. And let us trust in Him, knowing that He is always there to lead and guide us. And in the end, we will find ourselves in His heavenly kingdom, surrounded by His love and grace for eternity.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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