For God So Loved O Wondrous Theme – Hymn Lyric

Discover the wondrous theme of God's love in the hymn "For God So Loved." Explore the profound message of redemption and salvation in this powerful testimony of the Father's incredible love for humanity. Sing of His glory and be moved by His boundless compassion.

For God So Loved O Wondrous Theme – Hymn Lyric

“For God So Loved” is a hymn that beautifully expresses the incredible magnitude of God’s love for humanity. This hymn highlights the arrival of Jesus Christ, His on the cross, and His victory over death, reminding us of the profound plan of salvation that God has provided for all of us. Through heartfelt lyrics and captivating melodies, this hymn invites us to reflect on the wondrous theme of God’s love and to appreciate the immense sacrifice He made for us.


For God So Loved O Wondrous Theme – Hymn Lyric

Oh, wondrous theme! “For God so loved!”
Oh! wondrous key to wondrous scheme!
to God the Father!
Glory, Glory, Glory to God the Father!

A Saviour sent to sinful men –
Glory to God the Father!
Glory, Glory, Glory to God the Father!

Glory to God the Father! Glory to God the Father!

In love God gave, in love Christ came,
That man might know the Father’s name,
And in the Son salvation claim –
Glory to God the Father!
Glory, Glory, Glory to God the Father!

Glory to God the Father! Glory to God the Father!

As man he tarried here below
The pow’r and love of God to show;
To help and heal all human woe –
Glory to God the Father!
Glory, Glory, Glory to God the Father!

Glory to God the Father! Glory to God the Father!

Upon the cross His He gave,
His people from their sins to save;
For them descended to the grave –
Glory to God the Father!
Glory, Glory, Glory to God the Father!

Glory to God the Father! Glory to God the Father!

By God exalted from the dead,
He reigns on high the living head
Of ev’ry for whom He bled –
Glory to God the Father!
Glory, Glory, Glory to God the Father!


Meaning of For God So Loved O Wondrous Theme

For God So Loved O Wondrous Theme


The hymn “For God So Loved” beautifully captures the wondrous and awe-inspiring message of God’s love for humanity. Throughout the verses, we are reminded of the profound significance of Jesus Christ’s arrival on , His sacrifice on the cross, and His victory over death. This hymn serves as a powerful testimony to the love of God the Father and the incredible plan of salvation He has provided for all mankind.

Verse 1: A Saviour Sent to Sinful Men

“For God so loved!” These words hold immense power and serve as a key to a wondrous scheme. The verse begins by emphasizing the extraordinary nature of God’s love, a love that surpasses all understanding. This love led Him to send a Saviour to sinful men, offering them a path to redemption and restoration.

The chorus resounds with the proclaiming of glory to God the Father, highlighting the magnitude of His love and the impact it has on our lives. It calls us to and honor Him for the incredible gift of salvation, made possible through His boundless love.

Verse 2: In Love God Gave, In Love Christ Came

In the second verse, the hymn delves deeper into the purpose of Christ’s arrival on Earth. It highlights the Father’s for humanity to know His name and experience salvation through His Son. This act of love demonstrates that God’s intentions are centered around restoring our broken relationship with Him.

As the verse proclaims, Christ’s earthly was not merely to dwell among us, but to showcase the power and love of God. Through His teachings, miracles, and acts of compassion, Jesus demonstrated the profound love of the Father and provided a glimpse of the Kingdom of God here on Earth.

Verse 3: His Life He Gave, Salvation to Save

The hymn then turns to the crucifixion, emphasizing how Christ willingly laid down His life to save His people from their sins. The cross stands as the ultimate symbol of love and sacrifice. Jesus, the Son of God, willingly bore the weight of humanity’s transgressions, descending to the grave for our sake.

In this verse, we are reminded of the immense magnitude of the sacrifice and the depth of God’s love demonstrated through it. The chorus continues to echo glory to God the Father, praising Him for this act of redemption and everlasting .

Verse 4: Exalted from the Dead, Living Head

The final verse rejoices in the triumphant resurrection of Jesus Christ. Having conquered death, He now reigns as the living head of every soul for whom He bled. The hymn reminds us of the significance of Christ’s victory over death, offering hope and assurance to all believers.

The chorus concludes by affirming the glory due to God the Father for His plan of salvation, from sending His Son to His exaltation from the dead. It is through this glorious plan that we find eternal life and the assurance of being reconciled with our Heavenly Father.


In the hymn “For God So Loved,” we find a profound declaration of God’s love for humanity. Through the verses and the resounding chorus, we are reminded of the incredible lengths God went to save us and restore our relationship with Him. This hymn exemplifies the essence of the Christian faith – God’s unfathomable love for His .

Through the use of captivating language and heartfelt melodies, this hymn serves as a powerful proclamation of God’s love and is an invitation for individuals to reflect on the magnitude of His sacrifice. May the lyrics of this hymn inspire and uplift the hearts of all who sing it, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the wondrous theme of God’s love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the wondrous theme of God's love in the hymn For God So Loved. Explore the profound message of redemption and salvation in this powerful testimony of the Father's incredible love for humanity. Sing of His glory and be moved by His boundless compassion.


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