Go Happy Soul Thy Days Are Ended – Hymn Lyric

Embark on a journey of introspection and self-discovery with words that resonate deeply: "Go Happy Soul Thy Days Are Ended." Find peace

Go Happy Soul Thy Days Are Ended – Hymn Lyric

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and introspection with the gentle whispers of “Go, happy : thy days are ended.” Let the angelic guard guide you to God’s own as Christ the Shepherd defends and befriends you. Find peace, say to sadness, and let the light everlasting shine on your soul as you embrace your true self on this .


Go Happy Soul Thy Days Are Ended – Hymn Lyric

Go, happy soul: thy days are ended,
Thy pilgrimage on earth below;
Go, by angelic guard attended;
To God’s own Paradise now go.

Go, Christ the Shepherd good befriend thee,
Who gave his life thy soul to win;
‘Tis even he that shall defend thee,
Thy going out and coming in.

Go forth in peace; farewell to sadness;
May rest in Paradise be thine;
In ‘ presence there is gladness,
Light everlasting on thee shine.


Meaning of Go Happy Soul Thy Days Are Ended

Today, I invite you to embark on a journey of introspection and self-discovery, inspired by words that resonate deeply with our spirit. These words call out like gentle whispers, guiding us to embrace our truth and humanity with sincere acceptance and compassion.

“Go, happy soul: thy days are ended,

thy pilgrimage on earth below;

go, by angelic guard attended;

to God’s own Paradise now go.”

As we move through the labyrinth of life, there comes a moment when we are invited to pause. To reflect. To realize that our days—like a beautiful albeit challenging pilgrimage—are a pathway rich with experiences, lessons, and growth. This journey, attended by unseen angelic guides, is one where every step brings us closer to understanding our purpose and our connection to something greater.

“Go, Christ the Shepherd good befriend thee,

who gave his life thy soul to win;

’tis even he that shall defend thee,

thy going out and coming in.”

Imagine, just for a moment, that you are held, befriended, and guided by the purest form of love. A love that gave everything for your soul’s flourishing. This sacred friendship is a reminder that we are never truly alone. Each departure and return, every venture into the world and retreat into ourselves, is safeguarded by a benevolent force. In recognizing this, we unlock a profound peace within our hearts.

“Go forth in peace; farewell to sadness;

may rest in Paradise be thine;

in Jesus’ presence there is gladness,

light everlasting on thee shine.”

Peace. A single, resonant word that carries immense power. As we release our grip on sadness, , and fear, we make space for peace to enter. This invitation to rest in a state of tranquility is not solely a promise for the afterlife but a present-moment call to embrace the within each of us. To revel in the gladness that comes from knowing we are seen, loved, and cherished just as we are.

This journey of self-discovery is both an individual and collective endeavor. As we explore the of our vulnerability and truth, we foster a more compassionate and view of ourselves. We realize that accepting our humanity—our imperfections and strengths alike—leads us to a deeper connection with the world around us. It’s in these sacred moments of reflection that we find alignment with our true selves.

So, dear soul, I encourage you to go forth in peace. Carry with you the understanding that your journey is purposeful, that you are eternally aided by love and light. May you discover a profound sense of rest and joy in every step. May your days be imbued with the brilliance of everlasting light.

In moments of quiet contemplation, let us remind ourselves that we are on a sacred journey, and that with every breath, every heartbeat, we are moving towards a fuller embodiment of our true selves. May we all find the courage to embrace our vulnerability, our truth, and our humanity with open hearts and loving acceptance.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embark on a journey of introspection and self-discovery with words that resonate deeply: Go Happy Soul Thy Days Are Ended. Find peace, love, and light on your pilgrimage to God's Paradise.


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