Go Work In The Vineyard Tis Jesus Commands – Hymn Lyric

Embrace Jesus' command to work in the vineyard

Go Work In The Vineyard Tis Jesus Commands – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Go Work In The Vineyard,” we are reminded of ‘ command to actively participate in spreading His word. The verses emphasize the importance of embracing this call, sowing the of the Word, and responding with urgency and willingness to work in God’s vineyard. By obeying His commands, we can experience everlasting and fulfillment in our labor.


Go Work In The Vineyard Tis Jesus Commands – Hymn Lyric

Go work in the vineyard, ’tis Jesus commands,
Then why are we idle and folding our hands?
He speaks to the children and we must obey,
Go work in the vineyard, go labor today.

Sow in the morning the of the Word,
Sow in the morning and trust in the ,
He of our labor a record will keep;
Life everlasting and joy we shall reap.

Go forth in the vineyard, how earnest the call,
There’s work for the children, there’s plenty for all:
Too precious the moments to squander ,
Go work in the vineyard, go labor today.

Sow in the morning the seed of the Word,
Sow in the morning and trust in the Lord,
He of our labor a record will keep;
Life everlasting and joy we shall reap.

Go work in the vineyard, how glad we should be
That Jesus is saying to you and to me,
The harvest is coming, arise! and away,
Go work in the vineyard, go labor today.

Sow in the morning the seed of the Word,
Sow in the morning and trust in the Lord,
He of our labor a record will keep;
Life everlasting and joy we shall reap.

Go forth at His bidding our places to fill,
Go forth at His bidding and work with a will;
Grieve not the dear by longer delay,
Go work in the vineyard, go labor today.

Sow in the morning the seed of the Word,
Sow in the morning and trust in the Lord,
He of our labor a record will keep;
Life everlasting and joy we shall reap.


Meaning of Go Work In The Vineyard Tis Jesus Commands

Go Work In The Vineyard: Answering Jesus’ Call


In the hymn “Go Work In The Vineyard,” we are reminded of Jesus’ command for us to actively participate in His work. The powerful words of this hymn encourage us to not be idle, but rather to embrace our role in spreading the Word of God. By exploring the significance of this hymn, we can gain a deeper understanding of the importance of laboring in the vineyard and the everlasting rewards that await us.

Verse 1: Embracing Jesus’ Command

The first verse of the hymn reminds us of Jesus’ command to work in the vineyard. Just as a vineyard requires constant care and attention, so too does our faith. By actively engaging in the work of spreading the Word, we cultivate a strong relationship with Jesus. This verse emphasizes that we, as His children, are responsible for obeying His commands. Instead of folding our hands, we are called to go forth and labor in His name.

Refrain: Sowing the Seed of the Word

The refrain of the hymn beautifully illustrates the importance of sowing the seed of God’s Word. Like a farmer who plants seeds in the morning, we are encouraged to sow the seeds of the Word throughout our lives. It is through our diligent efforts to share God’s teachings that His message can take root in the hearts of others. By trusting in the Lord and consistently spreading the Gospel, we can be assured that our labor will not be in vain.

Verse 2: The Urgency of the Call

The second verse reminds us of the urgency of the call to work in the vineyard. The hymn emphasizes that there is plenty of work for everyone, including the children. This verse encourages us to seize the precious moments we have and not waste them. The task at hand is significant: to participate in building the kingdom of God. Each one of us has a role to play, and it is our duty to answer the call with earnestness and dedication.

Verse 3: Joy in Answering the Call

The third verse highlights the joy that comes from answering the call to work in the vineyard. It is a privilege to be chosen by Jesus for this important task, and we should be glad about it. By acknowledging the impending harvest, we are reminded that time is of the essence. This verse encourages us to up and get to work, knowing that our labor will about everlasting life and an abundance of joy.

Verse 4: Willingness and Prompt Action

The final verse emphasizes the importance of obeying Jesus without delay. Jesus desires our wholehearted participation in His work. By filling our designated places in the vineyard, we demonstrate our willingness to follow His command. Procrastination or hesitancy only grieves the Savior. Therefore, we must be determined to respond promptly and contribute to the flourishing of God’s kingdom.


In conclusion, the hymn “Go Work In The Vineyard” serves as a powerful reminder of our responsibility as Christians to actively participate in spreading the Word of God. Each verse emphasizes the urgency, joy, and significance of answering Jesus’ call to labor in His vineyard. By planting the seeds of His Word, trusting in the Lord, and embracing our role in the building of His kingdom, we can ensure that our labor will yield everlasting life and immeasurable joy. Let us, therefore, go forth with enthusiasm and dedication, remembering that Jesus commands us to work in the vineyard today.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace Jesus' command to work in the vineyard, sow the seed of the Word, and experience joy in answering His call. Start laboring in the vineyard today!


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