Good News From Heaven The Angels Bring – Hymn Lyric

"Experience the Joy and Hope: Good News from Heaven the Angels Bring. Embrace the Gift of Salvation and Find Peace in the Love of Jesus. Spread the Message of Hope and Redemption. Amen."

Good News From Heaven The Angels Bring – Hymn Lyric

Good News From Heaven The Angels is a that reminds us of the joy and hope brought by Jesus Christ. It emphasizes the unconditional love and forgiveness of Jesus, and encourages us to make room for Him in our hearts. This hymn also calls us to praise God for His abundant mercy and to share the message of hope and redemption with others.


Good News From Heaven The Angels Bring – Hymn Lyric

Good news from heav’n the angels bring,
Glad tidings to the earth they sing:
To us this day a Child is giv’n,
To crown us with the joy of heav’n.

This is the Christ, our God and Lord,
Who in all need shall aid afford;
He will Himself our Saviour be,
And from our sins will set us free.

All hail, Thou noble Guest, this morn,
Whose love did not the scorn:
In my distress Thou com’st to me,
What thanks shall I return to Thee?

Were earth a thousand times as fair,
Beset with gold and jewels rare,
She yet were far too poor to be
A narrow cradle, Lord, for Thee.

Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child,
Make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled,
Within my , that it may be
A quiet chamber kept for Thee.

Praise God upon His heavenly throne,
Who gave to us His only Son;
For this His hosts, on wing,
A blest New Year of mercy sing.



Meaning of Good News From Heaven The Angels Bring

Imagine the thrill of hearing some of the best news you could ever receive. Now, imagine that news is so spectacular, so transformative, that it makes your heart feel like it’s doing a happy dance! This is the feeling captured in the hymn titled “Good News From Heaven The Angels Bring.” This song is about a message of joy and hope that comes from above, and it’s a message that’s meant for everyone, no matter who they are or where they come from.

Picture this: angels descending from the skies with twinkling stars around them, their voices harmonizing like the most beautiful melody you’ve ever heard. What announcement could possibly be so important? The angels are bringing glad tidings to the earth, the kind of news that changes everything: a Child is born. But this isn’t just any child—this is a special little one who brings with him the joy of heaven itself!

Let’s get to know this Child the angels are about. The hymn tells us, “This is the Christ, our God and Lord.” That’s a big title for such a small baby! But it’s true; Christians believe this baby is Jesus, who arrived to bring light and hope to the world. Even though he was very young, this hymn shares the incredible impact he would have. Jesus came to be a helper to all those in need and to offer a way to be free from the things we do wrong, the mistakes known as sins.

What’s really cool is that this hymn reminds us that this heavenly Guest, Jesus, didn’t just come for the people who have it all together. No, he came for everyone, even those who aren’t perfect. It’s like the song sings, “In my distress Thou com’st to me.” about a time when you were really struggling or feeling down—this hymn says Jesus came to bring comfort during those times too.

Imagine if someone extremely famous and important announced they were coming to visit your home. You’d want to prepare the best room you have, right? Well, this hymn tells us that even if the earth was decorated with gold and the rarest jewels to make a bed for Jesus, it wouldn’t be enough. Instead, the singer wants to make a bed in their heart, a place that’s warm, welcoming, and pure—a place for Jesus to .

But why make room in a heart? The idea is that welcoming Jesus into a person’s life is about more than physical space; it’s about making space in one’s thoughts, actions, and love for the kindness and care he represents.

The hymn ends with , singing praises to God, who didn’t keep this joy to himself but shared His Son with the world. The angels and hosts of heaven are so excited about this present that they celebrate, seeing the start of a new year full of mercy. Imagine the biggest, most festive party in the sky, with all the angels singing and celebrating, because that’s what they’re doing every time someone embraces this good news.

Now, it’s not every day that we hear about angels bringing messages, especially ones this wonderful. But this hymn isn’t just about something that happened a long time ago; it’s also about how this good news can make us feel today. It’s like having a secret whisper of joy in our hearts all the time, feeling that no matter what happens, there’s something good and pure at the center of life.

In the same way, when you see someone helping another person or when you do a kind deed, it’s like you’re part of that good news too. Sharing a smile, helping a friend with homework, or standing up for someone who is being treated unfairly—these small actions are ways we bring a little bit of heaven’s joy to earth, just like the angels in the hymn.

The next time you hear “Good News From Heaven The Angels Bring,” whether it’s at a holiday concert, in a place of worship, or just hummed by a friend, think about how that good news might be playing out in the world around you right now. Think about how you can be a part of that celebration, how you can be an angel to someone else by bringing good news and joy into their life.

So, let’s hold onto that spectacular feeling the hymn talks about—the joyous news that echoes from the heavens to our hearts. Let’s sing about the wonder of a Child, and let’s make sure our hearts are ready to be that soft, undefiled bed, a welcoming place for the kind of love that’s pure and true. And just like the angels, let’s not keep that good news to ourselves. Instead, let’s share it, sing it, and live it out loud for everyone to hear!


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Joy and Hope: Good News from Heaven the Angels Bring. Embrace the Gift of Salvation and Find Peace in the Love of Jesus. Spread the Message of Hope and Redemption. Amen.


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