Grace Brought Jesus Down To Die – Hymn Lyric

Experience the beauty of God's grace in the hymn "Grace Brought Jesus Down To Die." Discover the love and sacrifice of Jesus

Grace Brought Jesus Down To Die – Hymn Lyric

Grace brought Jesus down to die, showing us the ultimate example of love and sacrifice. Through His on the cross, Jesus displayed the depth of God’s grace towards us. His grace saves us, and His glory awaits us in heaven, where we will be glorified and made whole.


Grace Brought Jesus Down To Die – Hymn Lyric

Grace brought Jesus down to die,
Glory welcomed Him on high,
Grace revealed in love,
Glory from His throne above.

Saved by faith, in grace we rest,
in hope of glory blest;
Those whom grace doth justify,
God will also glorify.

What to sovereign grace we own,
glory soon will show,
Grace the sinner’s debts doth pay,
Glory makes us rich for aye.

Grace and glory all unfold,
No good thing will He withhold,
Grace, free grace, while here we roam,
Glory when we reach our home.

Grace, while journeying through the night,
Glory dawns at morning light,
Grace, the staff for pilgrim ways,
Glory’s crown for endless days.

In His absence, boundless grace,
Glory when we see His face,
Grace, till all the voyage o’er,
Glory, when we reach the .


Meaning of Grace Brought Jesus Down To Die

Grace brought Jesus down to die, and what a beautiful gift it was. The hymn reminds us of the amazing love and sacrifice that Jesus made for us, showing us the ultimate example of grace. His death on the cross was a display of pure love and , a demonstration of the depth of God’s grace towards us.

When we think about grace, we can’t help but feel thankful for all that God has done for us. Grace is like a warm embrace, wrapping us up in love and . It’s the gift of salvation that we don’t deserve, freely given to us by God through Jesus. It’s through grace that we are saved, not by anything we have done, but by faith in Jesus.

And because of this grace, we can rest in the assurance of our salvation. The hymn speaks of the joy and hope that comes from knowing that we are saved by grace. It’s a comforting thought, knowing that no matter what happens, God’s grace is there to hold us up and carry us through.

But grace is just the beginning. The hymn also speaks of the glory that awaits us in heaven. This glory is the ultimate reward for those who have been justified by grace. It’s the promise of eternal in the presence of God, where we will be glorified and made whole.

As we journey through this life, grace is our constant companion. It’s like a staff that supports us along the way, helping us through the trials and tribulations that we face. And when the morning light breaks through the darkness, we catch a glimpse of the glory that awaits us at the end of our journey.

And when we finally reach our home, we will experience the fullness of God’s grace and glory. We will see His face and be surrounded by His presence for all eternity. It will be a moment of pure joy and celebration, knowing that we are finally home.

So as we continue on our journey, let’s hold on to the grace that brought Jesus down to die. Let’s remember the sacrifice that was made for us and the love that was poured out on the cross. And let’s look forward to the glory that awaits us, knowing that we are saved by faith, in grace we rest, and in hope of glory we are .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the beauty of God's grace in the hymn Grace Brought Jesus Down To Die. Discover the love and sacrifice of Jesus, and the promise of salvation and glory for those who believe in Him. Saved by faith, in grace we rest, and rejoice in hope of eternal glory.


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