Hail To Thy Brightness Glorious Sun – Hymn Lyric
“Hail to Thy Brightness, Glorious Sun” is a hymn that celebrates the awe and wonder we feel when we see the sun rise every day. The hymn describes the beauty and warmth that the sun brings to the world, as well as the fleeting nature of its rays. However, it also offers hope in the promise of an eternal sun and an immortal prize. Let us appreciate the sun’s radiant presence and look forward to the greater reward that awaits us. Hail to thy brightness, glorious sun!
Table of Contents
Hail To Thy Brightness Glorious Sun – Hymn Lyric
Hail to thy brightness, glorious sun!
That gilds the opening day;
How far beyond the cold pale moon,
Thy warm superior ray!
At thy approach all nature smiles,
Its orient tears dry up;
The birds with songs, the time beguiles,
With gladdening joys they hop.
But ah! how short the transient gleam,
Thy hastening steps forebode,
That the refulgence of thy beam
Do but a transient good;
Yet still a sun prepares to rise,
That brings eternal day,
And shows us an immortal prize,
That never will decay.
Meaning of Hail To Thy Brightness Glorious Sun
Hail to Thy Brightness, Glorious Sun! What a beautiful hymn title that perfectly captures the awe and wonder we feel when we see the sun rise every day. The sun is truly a magnificent and essential part of our lives, providing light, warmth, and life to our world. Let’s explore the significance of the sun and how it brings us joy and hope.
In the first verse of the hymn, we are immediately drawn to the brilliance of the sun’s rays and how they brighten our day. It mentions the sun’s superiority over the pale moon, emphasizing the warm and vibrant light that the sun brings. It’s as if the sun’s arrival awakens nature from its slumber, making everything come alive and filling the world with color.
When the sun rises, it chases away the darkness of the night and brings a renewed energy to the earth. The hymn describes how nature itself seems to rejoice at the sun’s appearance. The once teary-eyed flowers and plants begin to dry up and smile, and the birds serenade us with their delightful songs. It’s truly a magical moment when the sun takes its place in the sky, and it never fails to lift our spirits.
As mesmerizing as the sun’s rays are, they also remind us of the fleeting nature of life. The hymn acknowledges that the sun’s glow doesn’t last forever. Just as quickly as it rises, it sets, making way for the night. This fleeting beauty serves as a reminder that all good things in life come to an end at some point. However, this realization doesn’t dampen our spirits because we know that there is something even more extraordinary waiting for us.
The hymn hints at a future beyond the transient beauty of the sun’s rays. It speaks of a sun that is yet to rise, one that will bring eternal day. This sun represents an immortal prize, something that will never fade or decay. It fills us with hope and excitement as we imagine a world basking in eternal sunlight, where joy and happiness prevail.
This eternal sun could be seen as a metaphor for a greater reward, beyond our earthly existence. It reminds us that there is something beyond this life that we can look forward to, something everlasting and divine. It brings a sense of comfort, knowing that even though we may experience temporary hardships and fleeting joys in this world, there is something far more incredible awaiting us in the afterlife.
In conclusion, “Hail to Thy Brightness, Glorious Sun” is a hymn that celebrates the magnificence of the sun and its impact on our lives. It paints a vivid picture of the sun’s warm and superior rays that bring joy and beauty to the world. It also reminds us of the impermanence of life’s pleasures, but offers hope in the form of an eternal sun, a symbol of an immortal prize. So let us greet each new day with gratitude for the sun’s radiant presence, and let it serve as a reminder of the greater reward awaiting us beyond this earthly existence. Hail to thy brightness, glorious sun!
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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