Hallelujah Jesus Lives He Is Now The Living One – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible truth that Jesus lives as the Living One! This hymn brings hope

Hallelujah Jesus Lives He Is Now The Living One – Hymn Lyric

Hallelujah! Jesus Lives He Is Now The Living One – a hymn that celebrates the victorious resurrection of Jesus Christ, who conquered death and now lives as the Living One. This powerful truth brings hope, joy, and life, reminding us to and rejoice in the presence of our Savior. Let us lift our voices and proclaim, “Hallelujah! Jesus lives!”


Hallelujah Jesus Lives He Is Now The Living One – Hymn Lyric

Hallelujah! Jesus lives!
He is now the Living One;
from the gloomy halls of death
Christ, the Conqueror, has gone,
bright forerunner to the skies
of his people, yet to rise.

Jesus lives! Why do you weep?
Why that and sigh?
Christ who died our brother here
lives our brother still on high,
lives forever to bestow
blessings on his church below.

Jesus lives! And thus, my soul,
life eternal waits for you;
joined to Christ, your living head,
where he is, you shall be too;
with the Lord, at God’s right ,
as a victor you shall stand.

Jesus lives! Let all rejoice.
Praise him, ransomed of the earth.
Praise him in a nobler song,
cherubim of heavenly birth.
Praise the victor king, whose sway
sin and death and hell .

Hallelujah! Angels, sing!
Join with us in of praise.
Let your chorus swell the strain
which our feebler voices raise:
Glory to our God above
and on earth his peace and love!


Meaning of Hallelujah Jesus Lives He Is Now The Living One

Hallelujah! Jesus lives! What an incredible truth to hold onto and celebrate. In this hymn, we are reminded of the victorious resurrection of Jesus Christ, who conquered death and now lives as the Living One. It is a message of hope, joy, and eternal life that brings comfort to our hearts.

From the gloomy halls of death, Jesus emerged as the Conqueror. He left behind the chains of darkness and despair, becoming the bright forerunner to the skies for all who trust in Him. Just as the hymn says, He is the one who leads the for His people, who are yet to rise. This thought reminds us that there is more to come. Our earthly lives are not all there is, but rather a preparation for the glorious eternity that awaits us.

When we consider the fact that Jesus lives, it should shatter any despair and sadness. Why do we weep when we have such a marvelous hope? Our Savior, who died as our brother here on earth, still lives as our brother on high. His presence and love are continually with us, as He intercedes for us and pours out His blessings upon His church below. We are never alone, for Jesus is alive and active in our lives.

This truth reassures our souls that life eternal awaits us. When we are joined to Christ, our living head, we can have confidence that where He is, we shall be too. This is not wishful thinking or a mere fantasy, but a promise grounded in the resurrection of Jesus. We can eagerly look forward to standing as victorious with the Lord at God’s right hand. Our future is secure because of His over sin and death.

As we reflect on the fact that Jesus lives, our hearts overflow with rejoicing. We join in praising Him, the one who has ransomed us from the earth. This hymn invites us to lift our voices in a noble and resounding song, imitating the cherubim of heavenly birth. Our praise is not ordinary, but extraordinary, for it is directed towards the victor king whose sway extends over all creation. Even sin, death, and hell must submit to Him.

Not only do we join in praise, but we also invite the angels to sing alongside us. Their voices, more powerful and glorious than ours, blend with our feeble voices as one harmonious chorus. Together, we give glory to our God above, who is worthy of all honor and adoration. And on earth, His peace and love prevail. It is a peace that surpasses all understanding and a love that knows no bounds.

In conclusion, let us hold fast to the truth that Jesus lives. It is a truth that brings hope in the face of despair, comfort in times of sorrow, and joy in moments of celebration. We cling to the reality that our Savior has triumphed over death and offers us eternal life. We are reminded that we are no longer slaves to sin, but victors in Christ. So, let our voices rise in praise, joined by the angels, as we acclaim, “Hallelujah! Jesus lives!” May His name be exalted now and .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible truth that Jesus lives as the Living One! This hymn brings hope, joy, and eternal life while reminding us of His victorious resurrection. Rejoice and praise Him - Hallelujah!


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