Hark The Voice Of Jesus Calling – Hymn Lyric

Answer the call to serve others and make a difference. Hark The Voice Of Jesus Calling reminds us that even small acts of kindness matter. Find opportunities to help those in need around you.

Hark The Voice Of Jesus Calling – Hymn Lyric

“Hark The Voice Of Jesus Calling” encourages us to answer the call to serve others, reminding us of the countless opportunities we have to make a difference. Whether it’s helping those around us or supporting those who lead, every act of kindness is significant in God’s eyes. Let us eagerly respond to Jesus’ call with a willing heart, saying, “Here am I, send me.”


Hark The Voice Of Jesus Calling – Hymn Lyric

Hark, the voice of Jesus crying,
“Who will go and work today?
Fields are white and harvests ;
Who will bear the sheaves away?”
Loud and long the Master calls us,
rich reward He offers free;
who will answer, gladly saying,
“Here am I, send me, send me”?

If you cannot cross the ,
and the distant lands explore,
you can find the lost around you,
you can help them at your door.
If you cannot give your thousands,
you can give the widow’s mite;
what you truly give for Jesus,
will be precious in His sight.

If you cannot be the watchman
standing high on Zion’s wall,
pointing out the to heaven,
off’ring life and peace to all,
with your pray’rs and with your bounties
you can do what ‘n demands;
you can be like faithful Aaron
holding up the ‘s hands.

Let none hear you idly saying,
“There is nothing I can do,”
while the lost of earth are dying,
and the Master calls for you:
take the task He gives you gladly;
let His work your pleasure be;
answer quickly when He calls you,
“Here am I, send me, send me.”


Meaning of Hark The Voice Of Jesus Calling

Hark The Voice Of Jesus Calling: Answering the Call to Serve Others

In this powerful , we are reminded of the voice of Jesus calling upon us to go out into the and make a difference. The lyrics remind us that there are countless opportunities for us to help those in , both near and far. It may seem daunting to think about crossing oceans and exploring distant lands, but the truth is that we can start by finding the lost around us and helping them right at our own doorstep.

Sometimes, we may feel discouraged because we cannot give large sums of money or make grand gestures. However, the hymn reminds us that even the widow’s mite, the smallest offering, is precious in God’s sight. It is not the quantity but the sincerity and selflessness of our actions that truly matter. What we give for Jesus, no matter how small it may seem, will have a significant impact.

Not all of us can be the watchman standing high on Zion’s wall, pointing the way to heaven for all to see. But, through our prayers and generosity, we can fulfill what heaven demands. Just as faithful Aaron held up the prophet’s hands, we too can support and encourage those who are called to lead. Our prayers and acts of kindness can strengthen and uplift those who are on the front lines, spreading the message of love, hope, and .

Let us never fall into the trap of thinking that there is nothing we can do. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the problems of the world and underestimate our own ability to make a difference. However, we must remember that while the lost of the earth are suffering and in need, the Master is calling upon us. We must not idly say that we cannot do anything. Instead, we should eagerly take on the task that He gives us and let His work become our pleasure.

When Jesus calls us, we should respond quickly and wholeheartedly, saying, “Here am I, send me.” We should be willing to go where He leads, to serve those whom He brings into our lives. Whether it is reaching out to a classmate who is struggling, being there for a friend in need, or volunteering in our community, every act of kindness matters. We may not always see the immediate impact, but God works through us to touch lives and about His purposes.

In conclusion, “Hark The Voice Of Jesus Calling” invites us to answer the call to serve others. It encourages us to see the countless opportunities for us to make a difference, no matter our limitations or circumstances. We can start right where we are, by finding the lost around us and extending a helping hand. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, is significant in God’s eyes. Let us not underestimate the power of our prayers and generosity, as we can support and uplift those who are called to lead. And, most importantly, let us respond eagerly and wholeheartedly when Jesus calls us, saying, “Here am I, send me.”


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Answer the call to serve others and make a difference. Hark The Voice Of Jesus Calling reminds us that even small acts of kindness matter. Find opportunities to help those in need around you.


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