Have Ye Any Room For Jesus? – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound message behind the hymn "Have Ye Any Room For Jesus?" Learn why making space in our hearts for the Savior is essential. Open your heart and prioritize Jesus today.

Have Ye Any Room For Jesus? – Hymn Lyric

“Have Ye Any Room For Jesus? Creating Space in Our Hearts for the Savior” In a busy world filled with distractions, this asks us if we have any room in our hearts for Jesus, the one who carried our . It reminds us to prioritize Him above worldly pleasures and make space for His and love in our lives. The time to invite Jesus in is now, for tomorrow may be too late.


Have Ye Any Room For Jesus? – Hymn Lyric

Have you any room for Jesus,
He who bore your load of sin?
As He knocks and asks admission,
Sinners, will you let Him in?

Room for Jesus, King of !
Hasten now His Word obey;
Swing the ‘s door widely open,
Bid Him enter while you may.

Room for pleasure, room for business,
But for Christ the ,
Not a place that He can enter,
In the heart for which He died?

Have you any room for Jesus,
As in grace He calls again?
O today is time accepted,
Tomorrow you may call in vain.

Room and time now give to Jesus,
Soon will pass God’s day of grace;
Soon heart left cold and silent,
And thy Savior’s pleading cease.


Meaning of Have Ye Any Room For Jesus?


In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, it can be easy to fill our hearts and minds with various pleasures and responsibilities. But amidst the chaos, there is a gentle whisper, a knock on the door of our souls. It is the voice of Jesus, asking, “Have you any room for me?” In this hymn, we are presented with a profound question: Do we have space in our hearts for the one who carried our burdens of sin? Let us explore the meaning behind these powerful words and reflect on the importance of making room for Jesus in our lives.

Verse 1:

“Have you any room for Jesus, He who bore your load of sin?

As He knocks and asks admission, sinners, will you let Him in?”

These lines remind us of the sacrificial love of Jesus, who willingly took upon Himself the weight of our sins. He stands at the door of our hearts, patiently waiting for us to invite Him in. It is an invitation of grace, forgiveness, and transformation. In a world that constantly bombards us with distractions, Jesus longs for us to open our hearts and make room for Him.

The King of Glory:

“Room for Jesus, King of Glory! Hasten now His Word obey;

Swing the heart’s door widely open, bid Him enter while you may.”

Jesus is the King of Glory, the one who deserves our utmost reverence and adoration. Creating room for Him means acknowledging His divine authority and aligning our lives with His teachings. To make space for Jesus, we must open our hearts widely, not just slightly ajar. His Word is our guide, and by obeying it, we welcome Him into our hearts. Let us not delay, for the opportunity to accept His grace may pass us by.

Room for Pleasure, Room for Business:

“Room for pleasure, room for business, but for Christ the Crucified,

Not a place that He can enter, in the heart for which He died?”

These lines highlight a common struggle we face in the modern world. Our hearts often make room for worldly pleasures and pursuits, yet we neglect the very One who died for us. While it is important to find joy in and fulfill our responsibilities, we must remember to prioritize Jesus above all else. We cannot allow the fleeting pleasures of this world to crowd out our relationship with Him. Let us examine our hearts and ensure that there is ample space for our Savior, the one who willingly gave His life for our redemption.

Verse 2:

“Have you any room for Jesus, as in grace He calls again?

O today is time accepted, tomorrow you may call in vain.”

Time is of the essence when it comes to making room for Jesus. We are reminded that His grace extends to us each day, but we must not take it for granted. We cannot procrastinate or assume that we will always have tomorrow to respond to His call. Today is the day to make room in our hearts for Jesus, for tomorrow may be too late. Let us seize the opportunity before us and invite Him in.

Room and Time Now Give to Jesus:

“Room and time now give to Jesus, soon will pass God’s day of grace;

Soon thy heart left cold and silent, and thy Savior’s pleading cease.”

These lines convey the urgency of creating space in our hearts for Jesus. The day of grace, when we have the chance to accept Him and experience His transformative power, will swiftly pass. If we neglect to make room for Him, our hearts may grow cold and silent, and we may no longer hear His gentle voice calling out to us. Let us not wait until it is too late, but rather, let us prioritize Jesus and His love by giving Him room in our lives.


In conclusion, the hymn “Have Ye Any Room For Jesus?” beautifully illustrates the importance of making space in our hearts for the Savior. Amidst the busyness and distractions of life, we must remember to prioritize Jesus, the one who bore our sins and offers us salvation. Let us not allow worldly pleasures or pursuits to hinder our relationship with Him. Today is the day to invite Jesus into our hearts, for tomorrow may be too late. May we swing our heart’s door widely open and bid Him enter while we still have the opportunity.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound message behind the hymn Have Ye Any Room For Jesus? Learn why making space in our hearts for the Savior is essential. Open your heart and prioritize Jesus today.


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