He Who Suns And Worlds Upholdeth Upholds – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power and love of the one who upholds the suns and worlds

He Who Suns And Worlds Upholdeth Upholds – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn titled “He Who Suns And Worlds Upholdeth Upholds”, we are reminded of the enduring presence and support of God. He guides the universe’s vastness and fills our lives with worth. With His constant guidance and love, we find strength, purpose, and hope to navigate life’s challenges.


He Who Suns And Worlds Upholdeth Upholds – Hymn Lyric

He who suns and worlds upholdeth
Lends us His upholding hand;
He the ages who unfoldeth
Doth our times and ways command.

God is for us, God is for us;
In His strength and stay we stand.

He who sage and seer instructed
Will not keep from us His ;
Who those ancient saints conducted
Hath not giv’n His guiding o’er.

God is for us, God is for us;
Helpful now as heretofore.

‘Gainst oppression forth He sends us;
His the cause of truth and right;
With His own great host He binds us,
Lendeth us of His own might;

God is for us, God is for us;
Brings to happy end the fight.

, upward doth He beckon;
Onward, upward would we press;
As His own our burdens reckon,
As our own His strength possess.

God is for us, God is for us;
God, our Helper, still we bless.


Meaning of He Who Suns And Worlds Upholdeth Upholds

Let’s explore the beautiful message found in the hymn titled “He Who Suns And Worlds Upholdeth Upholds.” The title itself gives us a glimpse into the grandeur and majesty of a power far greater than anything we can imagine—the power of a Creator who not only forms the vast cosmos but also offers support and guidance to us in our everyday lives.

When we contemplate the universe, with its suns, stars, and planets, it’s easy to feel small and insignificant. But this hymn reminds us that the same force that keeps all of creation in order is also paying attention to us as individuals. This immense power, often referred to as God in many cultures and faiths, isn’t distant or uncaring, but a source of constant support. Imagine how it would feel to know that the hand guiding the stars is also the hand offering you help whenever you need it.

The words “He who suns and worlds upholdeth, Lends us His upholding hand,” paints a picture of an unwavering presence. It’s like having a mentor who never fails to catch you if you stumble, who understands every challenge you face and is ready to guide you through it.

The hymn speaks of ages unfolding under the command of this great force. It’s a comforting thought that just as the seasons change and history progresses, the events of our lives aren’t random or chaotic. Instead, they are part of a greater design, and we are not alone as we navigate our way through them. “Doth our times and ways command,” a belief that we’re part of a larger and that we each have a role to play in the grand scheme of things.

Continuing with “God is for us, God is for us; In His strength and stay we stand,” we are reminded that we’re not fighting our battles alone. Whether it’s a tough math test, a falling out with a friend, or uncertainty about the future, we can stand firm knowing we have unfailing support. It’s as if we have a well of strength to draw from, and no matter how difficult things get, we can remain steadfast.

When it comes to , the hymn assures us that the same enlightenment given to the wise and holy people of the past is available to us today. “Who those ancient saints conducted, Hath not giv’n His guiding o’er.” We can learn from the experiences of those who before us and tap into that same source of to guide us through our everyday lives.

A particularly powerful idea presented in the hymn is the notion of advocacy for justice and truth. ” ‘Gainst oppression forth He sends us; His the cause of truth and right;” encourages us to stand up for what is right and to fight against injustices. It’s as if we have a powerful ally in the pursuit of what is good and fair in the world.

Moreover, the stanza “With His own great host He binds us, Lendeth us of His own might;” suggests that we are not acting on our own but rather as part of a greater community that champions the cause of truth. It’s a call to be courageous, knowing we are backed by a force far more powerful than any adversity we might face.

The hymn goes on to beckon us forward, encouraging an ever-upward journey. “Onward, upward doth He beckon; Onward, upward would we press;” With this, we’re invited to continue growing, learning, and striving to be the best we can be. Life is an ongoing journey, and we can aim for the stars, metaphorically speaking, reaching higher and achieving more than we thought possible, inspired by the knowledge that we have help.

And in recognizing that we share our burdens with this higher power, we find comfort: “As His own our burdens reckon, As our own His strength possess.” Challenges may come, but they are not ours to face alone. The hymn reinforces the idea that the same strength that moves the suns and planets is also available to us.

In the closing of the hymn, “God is for us, God is for us; God, our Helper, still we bless,” we are encouraged to express gratitude. It’s like being thankful for a constant friend who’s always got our back, ready to lend a hand or an ear whenever we’re in need. This sense of gratitude can uplift us and help us appreciate the support we have in life, even when times are tough.

“He Who Suns And Worlds Upholdeth Upholds” beautifully captures a message of hope, strength, and guidance for anyone who believes in a higher power looking out for them. It tells us that no matter what we’re through, we are not alone, but instead, embraced by a vast, loving force that encourages us to press onward and upward, with wisdom, truth, and might on our side.

In the end, this hymn isn’t just a set of verses to be chanted in a congregation or read in solitude. It represents an invitation to recognize the grandeur of the universe and to find our own place within it, anchored and supported by a profound and caring presence that wants the best for us. With this support, we can boldly face the world, take on our challenges, and contribute to making it a better place for everyone.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power and love of the one who upholds the suns and worlds, guiding us with strength and support. God is for us, our eternal helper.


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