Help, Lord, For Those Who Love Thee Fail – Hymn Lyric

Looking for strength in God's promises? "Help

Help, Lord, For Those Who Love Thee Fail – Hymn Lyric

“Help, , For Those Who Love Thee Fail” is a that resonates with those who may feel alone or abandoned in times of trials. It reminds us that God’s love and promises are unwavering, providing solace and strength to the faithful. Even in a world filled with deception and false gratitude, we can find hope knowing that God will protect the and bring about justice.


Help, Lord, For Those Who Love Thee Fail – Hymn Lyric

Help, Lord, for those who love Thee fail,
Thy faithful ones fall from the ranks,
And leave the liars to their tale,
False gratitude and treacherous thanks.

Lord, may those flattering lips be lashed,
The boasting mouths stripped of their pride,
Those tongues that murmur unabashed,
Who is this God? We abide!

Because the have been oppressed,
And in their patience sigh alone,
I will protect them in My breast,”
The Lord has said, These are Mine own.”

And what He saith is purified
Like silver, sevenfold assayed.
Though by this evil age defied,
His Word of truth shall be obeyed.

His promises shall stand secure,
His saints are safe, though ill betide,
He will protect His humble poor,
Though rogues are honored far and wide.


Meaning of Help, Lord, For Those Who Love Thee Fail

Help, Lord, For Those Who Love Thee Fail: Finding Strength in God’s Promises

In times of trouble and despair, we may often feel like we are alone, that the world has turned its back on us. But fear not, for there is always hope and solace to be found in the love and promises of our Lord. The hymn “Help, Lord, For Those Who Love Thee Fail” reminds us of the challenges we may face, but also assures us that God stands by our side, ready to protect and guide us.

Sometimes, it can be disheartening to see those who claim to love and serve God falter and fall away from the path of . Our may be tested when we witness deceit and insincere gratitude in the world around us. However, we must remember that true love for the Lord and genuine loyalty can never be shaken.

The hymn calls upon God to condemn those who falsely profess their , who use flattery and boastfulness to deceive others. These individuals may question God’s existence or His authority, but their words are mere murmurs compared to the steadfast truth of His Word. The hymn reassures us that though the world may defy and challenge God’s promises, His truth will always prevail.

The hymn reminds us of the Lord’s words, promising to protect and shelter the oppressed and the humble poor. It is in their patience and faith that God finds favor. When we find ourselves downtrodden and alone, we can take comfort in knowing that God sees our struggles and will not abandon us. His love for His people is unwavering, and His promises are like silver, purified and unbreakable.

In a society where the wicked are often praised and the righteous are disregarded, it can be disheartening to witness the lack of justice. But we must remember that God’s ways are higher than our ways, and His timing is perfect. The hymn reminds us that though rogues may be honored and celebrated in this world, their recognition holds no value in the eyes of our Lord.

Throughout history, we see examples of individuals who placed their trust in God’s promises and found strength in their faith. From Joseph in the , who remained faithful despite being sold into slavery, to Martin Luther King Jr., who fought for justice and equality despite facing immense opposition. These individuals understood that even in the darkest of times, God’s love and protection were always present.

As believers, we must cling to the promises of our Lord in times of doubt and uncertainty. We may face persecution and trials, but we can take refuge in the fact that God remains true to His Word. His promises stand secure, acting as a shield for His faithful followers. We are assured that no matter the challenges we face, God will always be there to guide us and protect us.

In conclusion, the hymn “Help, Lord, For Those Who Love Thee Fail” serves as a reminder of the trials we may encounter, but also emphasizes the unwavering love and protection of our Lord. In a world filled with deceit and false pretenses, we can find strength and hope in God’s promises. Through His , the humble and oppressed will be sheltered, and the wicked will be brought to justice. Let us hold onto His Word, knowing that with His help, our faith will never fail.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Looking for strength in God's promises? Help, Lord, For Those Who Love Thee Fail reminds us of challenges we face, but also of God's unwavering love and protection. Stand firm in your faith!


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