He’s Real To Me My Father God – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Reality of My Father God - Discover the truth of God's existence through His Word and the power of His love

He’s Real To Me My Father God – Hymn Lyric

“He’s Real To Me My Father God” explores the personal and tangible experience of knowing God on a deeper level. Through His Word, the sacrifice of Jesus, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the promise of His return, the author discovers the reality of God’s presence in their life. This realization brings , joy, and purpose to their faith journey.


He’s Real To Me My Father God – Hymn Lyric

He’s real to me, my Father God,
I know Him through His Word;
He’s real to me, my Shepherd King,
I see Him now in everything.

He’s real to me, He’s real to me,
My Father God is real to me;
My soul demands Reality,
My Father God is real to me.

It’s real to me, my Savior’s blood,
By grace the truth I’ve understood,
It’s pow’r o’er sin and flashy lust
Is now so real I fully trust.


The Spirit’s real, His mighty power
Protects me in temptation’s hour;
In perfect light He guideth me
And makes Himself Reality.


His word is real, O soul rejoice,
It is your Savior’s voice;
It tells you of His constant love
That intercedes for you above.


O soul, He will be real to thee
If thou but claim Reality;
Be real thyself in every part,
Reality will fill thy .


His promise is so real to me,
Of His return Reality;
When I shall see His blessed face,
I’ll Him for His wondrous grace.


Meaning of He’s Real To Me My Father God

He’s Real To Me: Experiencing the Reality of My Father God

When it comes to our relationship with God, sometimes it can be easy to think of Him as an abstract concept, someone far off in the distance. But for me, I can confidently say that my Father God is real, and I know this because of His precious Word.

As a seventh-grader, I may not have all the answers, but I have come to understand the truth of God’s existence through the teachings of His Word. The Bible has become a valuable tool in my journey of faith, a map that leads me to the reality of who God is. It is through reading and studying His Word that I have encountered the depth of His love and grace.

In the hymn, it says, “He’s real to me, my Shepherd King, I see Him now in everything.” This line resonates with me because it speaks to the notion that God is not just some distant ruler, but a compassionate and loving Shepherd who guides and cares for His flock. When I look around, I can see evidence of His presence in the beauty of nature, in the kindness of people, and in the small that happen every day.

His reality becomes even more tangible when I contemplate the sacrifice of my Savior, Jesus Christ. The refrain of the hymn says, “He’s real to me, He’s real to me, My Father God is real to me; My soul demands Reality, My Father God is real to me.” The reality of God is not an abstract idea; it is a truth that has been revealed through the ultimate act of love.

Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection have shown me the power of His blood and grace. It is through His sacrifice that I have gained a true understanding of the forgiveness of sins and the victory over temptations. The hymn says, “It’s pow’r o’er sin and flashy lust is now so real I fully trust.”

But it doesn’t stop there. The reality of God’s presence is not limited to what Jesus did in the past. The Holy Spirit plays an active role in my life, guiding and protecting me in times of temptation. The hymn says, “The Spirit’s real, His mighty power protects me in temptation’s hour; In perfect light He guideth me And makes Himself Reality.”

When I am faced with difficult decisions or feel lost, the Holy Spirit is there to provide wisdom and guidance. I can depend on His power to help me resist the temptations that may come my way. His presence is not just a distant hope, but a reality that fills the moments of my life.

The Word of God also reassures me of His constant love and intercession. The hymn states, “His word is real, O soul rejoice, It is your blessed Savior’s voice; It tells you of His constant love That intercedes for you above.” Through the pages of the Bible, I the voice of my Savior speaking to me, reminding me of His everlasting love and His intercession on my behalf.

But it’s not enough to simply recognize the reality of God; I must also strive to make Him a reality in my own life. The hymn encourages me to be real myself in every part, for when I do, reality will fill my heart. It’s not about putting on a show or pretending to be someone I’m not. It’s about authentically, aligning my thoughts, actions, and words with the teachings of Jesus.

As I mature in my faith, I hold on to the promise that Jesus will come again. The hymn says, “His promise is so real to me, Of His return Reality; When I shall see His blessed face, I’ll praise Him for His wondrous grace.” This future reality gives me hope and motivates me to live in a way that pleases Him, knowing that one day I will before Him and be able to express my gratitude for His grace and love.

In conclusion, my Father God is real to me. Through His Word, the sacrifice of Jesus, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the promise of His return, I experience the daily reality of His presence. This reality transforms my life, hope, joy, and purpose. So let us embrace this truth and allow it to shape our thoughts, words, and actions as we walk in the reality of our Father God.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Reality of My Father God - Discover the truth of God's existence through His Word and the power of His love, grace, and presence in your life. Discover the reality of your Father God.


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