Holy Spirit Storm Of Love – Hymn Lyric
In the hymn “Holy Spirit, Storm of Love,” we are reminded of the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. This hymn calls upon the Spirit to break down our barriers, just as Jesus did on the cross. It encourages us to embrace the love and grace of the Holy Spirit and live out our faith boldly.
Table of Contents
Holy Spirit Storm Of Love – Hymn Lyric
Holy Spirit, storm of love,
break our self-protective walls.
Bring us out and show us why,
nakedly upon the cross,
open to the wind and sky,
Jesus waits and Jesus calls.
Show us, in his tortured flesh,
earth’s Creator on display,
broken by affairs of state,
drinking horror, pain and grief,
arching in the winds of hate,
giving love and life away.
Show us how this dying love
entered, bore, and understood
all our deep, unconscious drives,
each exploiting, evil thread
woven through our nations’ lives,
all our life apart from God.
Thus convicted, claimed, and called,
freed, as Christ we freely choose,
washed in love, reborn, renamed,
doing justice, knowing God,
may we witness unashamed,
confident to give good news:
News that Jesus is alive,
as his people of the Dove,
going out in praise and prayer,
meet the evils of our time
and the demons of despair
with forgiving, living love.
Meaning of Holy Spirit Storm Of Love
In this beautiful hymn titled “Holy Spirit, Storm of Love,” we are reminded of the power and transformative nature of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The hymn calls upon the Spirit to break down our self-protective walls and show us why we must be open and vulnerable, just as Jesus was on the cross.
The opening verse portrays the Holy Spirit as a force of love, like a storm, that has the ability to break down the barriers and defenses we have built around ourselves. It asks the Spirit to reveal to us the purpose of Jesus’ sacrificial death and the significance of his willingness to be exposed to the elements the wind and sky for our salvation.
As we continue to sing, the hymn invites us to see how Jesus, in his tortured flesh, represented the Creator of the earth being openly displayed. It acknowledges the pain and suffering that Jesus endured as a result of the world’s brokenness, including the horrors, political affairs, and the profound grief he experienced. Despite all this, Jesus continued to give love and life freely.
This hymn calls us to recognize the depth of Jesus’ understanding, as he entered into and bore the weight of our unconscious and exploitative drives. It acknowledges the presence of evil woven throughout our society and nations. It reminds us that our lives, when disconnected from God, can be consumed by these destructive forces.
But in being convicted, claimed, and called by Christ, we are set free. The hymn emphasizes that it is through choosing Christ and accepting his love and forgiveness that we are truly liberated. We are then encouraged to live out our faith by doing justice and knowing God, all while witnessing to those around us without shame and with confidence.
The message of this hymn is one of hope and empowerment. It urges us to view Jesus as truly alive and active in our lives. We are referred to as “his people of the Dove,” symbolizing the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives. With the power of the Holy Spirit, we can go out into the world and confront the evils and darkness that surround us.
In a time where despair and fear may be prevalent, this hymn reminds us of our ability to combat these challenges with forgiving and living love. It encourages us to meet the demons of despair head-on, armed with the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
As we sing this hymn, we acknowledge the Holy Spirit’s role in transforming us and equipping us to be ambassadors of God’s love. It is through praise and prayer that we tap into the power of the Spirit and become instruments of healing and reconciliation in a broken world.
In conclusion, “Holy Spirit, Storm of Love” is a hymn that calls us to embrace the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It reminds us of the selfless love and sacrifice of Jesus and encourages us to live out our faith boldly and unashamedly. May we be filled with the Holy Spirit’s love and grace as we go forth into the world, spreading the good news of Jesus Christ with forgiving, living love.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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