How Various And How New – Hymn Lyric

Discover the endless love and mercy of God in the hymn "How Various And How New." Reflect on His goodness each day and find comfort in His unending compassion.

How Various And How New – Hymn Lyric

“How Various And How New” is a beautiful hymn that reminds us of the endless ways God shows His love and mercy to us each day. From the beauty of a new to the moments of gratitude at , God’s goodness surrounds us in every moment. Let us open our eyes to the various and new ways God us, and may we always be grateful for His endless love and compassion.


How Various And How New – Hymn Lyric

How various and how new
Are Thy compassions, Lord!
Each morning Thy mercies show,
Each night Thy love record.

Thy goodness, like the sun,
Dawned on our early days,
Err infant reason had begun
To form our lips to praise.

Each object we beheld
Gave pleasure to our eyes,
And nature all our senses held
In bands of sweet surprise.

But pleasures more refined
Awaited that blest day,
When arose upon our mind
To chase our sins away.

How various and how new
Are Thy compassions, Lord!
Eternity Thy truth shall show,
And all Thy love record.


Meaning of How Various And How New

Have you ever stopped to think about all the wonderful things that God has done for us? The hymn “How Various And How New” reminds us of the many ways that God shows His love and mercy to us each and every day.

Think about how each morning we are greeted with the beauty of a new day, full of endless possibilities and opportunities. We can see God’s love in the sunrise, the chirping birds, and the fresh breeze that fills the air. It’s like God is giving us a big hug and saying, “I love you, and I am here with you today.”

And at the end of the day, as we lay our heads down to rest, we can reflect on all the ways that God has blessed us throughout the day. Maybe a friend reached out to us, or we had a delicious meal, or we saw a beautiful . These little moments are like God’s way of saying, “I am always with you, even in the smallest details of your .”

Just like the sun rises each morning without fail, God’s goodness is always shining down on us, warming our hearts and lighting our way. Even before we could speak, God was already showering us with His love and kindness, guiding us through each moment of our day.

As we go about our day, we can see God’s love reflected in all the things around us. The flowers blooming, the leaves rustling in the wind, the birds singing their sweet songs – all of these are little reminders of God’s presence in our lives, constantly surrounding us with His love and beauty.

But the greatest gift of all is the light of God’s truth that upon our hearts, showing us the way to forgiveness and redemption. When we turn to God and ask for His , He is always there to guide us and lift us up, no matter how far we may have strayed.

So let us take a moment each day to appreciate the various and new ways that God shows His love to us. Let us open our eyes to the beauty all around us, and our hearts to the endless grace and mercy that God offers us. And let us never forget to give thanks to God for all that He has done for us, and all that He continues to do each and every day.

In the end, we can rest assured that God’s compassions are never-ending, and His love will always be with us, guiding us through each day and into eternity. So let us rejoice in the goodness and mercy of our Lord, and let us never forget to sing His praises with grateful hearts.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the endless love and mercy of God in the hymn How Various And How New. Reflect on His goodness each day and find comfort in His unending compassion.


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