I Am Longing To Know More Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the charm and wonder of knowing Jesus. Experience the depths of His love and be forever changed. Start your adventure of longing to know more of Jesus today.

I Am Longing To Know More Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Are you craving to more about Jesus? Join me on a journey of discovering the of His and the joy of His presence. By delving into His Word and surrounding ourselves with fellow believers, we can tap into the eternal wellspring of joy and peace that comes from knowing Jesus deeply. Start your adventure today and be forever changed.


I Am Longing To Know More Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

I am longing to know more of Jesus!
Oh, the charm of that wonderful name;
How it thrills me with heavenly ,
When I of His coming again!

I’m climbing the heights of the mountain,
For a view of its glories on high,
And to drink from its life-giving fountain,
Of the waters that never run dry.

I am longing to know more of Jesus!
Ah, the depths of His love is unknown,
For it found me a wandering sinner,
And reclaimed me and made me His own.


I am longing to know more of Jesus!
Oh, the pitiless death on the tree!
How it stirs me to deeper
When I think how He suffered for me!


I am longing to know more of Jesus,
And the journey with Him I would go;
For I know I shall stand in His presence,
When my labors are ended below.


Meaning of I Am Longing To Know More Of Jesus

Do you ever feel a deep longing in your ? A longing to know more about someone special? Well, let me tell you about a name that holds unimaginable charm and wonder: Jesus. Just the mere mention of His name sends chills down my spine and fills my mind with visions of heavenly beauty.

This hymn speaks to the very depths of my soul. It reminds me of all the incredible things that await us when Jesus comes again. Can you imagine climbing to the top of a mountain and gazing upon its glorious vistas? That’s what it feels like to know Jesus. It’s like ascending to the highest heights and experiencing the wonders of heaven.

But it doesn’t stop there, my friends. The fountain of life that Jesus offers never runs dry. It is a source of endless refreshment and sustenance for our souls. Just as a cool drink soothes our physical thirst, knowing Jesus quenches our spiritual thirst in ways we can’t even fathom.

I often find myself pondering the depths of Jesus’ love. It’s truly unfathomable. You see, I was once a wandering sinner, lost and without direction. But Jesus found me and reclaimed me as His own. His love is like a beacon in the darkest of nights, guiding me to safety and security.

When I think about the pitiless death Jesus endured on the cross, my heart stirs with a deeper devotion. He suffered unimaginable pain and agony so that I could be saved. It humbles me to think that someone would willingly endure such suffering on my behalf. This realization fuels my desire to know Him more, to understand the depths of His sacrifice.

Each day, I yearn to know Jesus more intimately. It’s like embarking on a journey, in hand with Him, knowing that one day I will stand in His glorious presence. All my earthly labors will pale in comparison to the joy of being with Him forever. It’s a thought that fills me with , knowing that this life is just a temporary stop on the way to something greater.

So, my friends, if you’re feeling that same longing in your heart, that desire to know more of Jesus, I encourage you to pursue it. Dive into His Word, the Bible, and discover the incredible love story it contains. Surround yourself with fellow believers who can guide and support you on this journey.

Remember, the more you know Jesus, the more you will experience the wonders of His love. It’s like tapping into an eternal wellspring of joy and peace. So take that first step, and begin your adventure of knowing Jesus more deeply. Your heart will thank you, and you’ll be forever changed.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the charm and wonder of knowing Jesus. Experience the depths of His love and be forever changed. Start your adventure of longing to know more of Jesus today.


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