I Am Trusting Jesus Only As I Journey Day By Day – Hymn Lyric

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I Am Trusting Jesus Only As I Journey Day By Day – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “I Am Trusting Only As I Journey Day By Day” reminds us of the unwavering faith we can have in Jesus as we navigate through ‘s challenges. By trusting in Him, we can be confident that He knows the path before us and will guide us every step of the way. Jesus is our refuge and strength, providing and comfort in the darkest times, and upholding us with His loving arms.


I Am Trusting Jesus Only As I Journey Day By Day – Hymn Lyric

I am trusting Jesus only,
As I journey day by day,
For He knows the path before me,
And will guide me all the way;
I can see His footprints yonder,
I can hear His loving call,
Feel the ever present Spirit
Of my Savior, , my all.

I abide in Him, He abides in me,
My in His is hiding,
While the storms of life are raging,
He will guide me all the way.

I am trusting Jesus only,
He has proved a indeed,
Tho’ the be dark and dreary,
Light He gives me, all I need;
I can feel His arms around me
When I scarce have strength to stand,
Tho’ I fall He never leaves me,
He upholds me by His hand.

I abide in Him, He abides in me,
My soul in His love is hiding,
While the storms of life are raging,
He will guide me all the way.

I am trusting Jesus only,
Tho’ the woes of life increase,
They can nevermore confound me,
I can rest in perfect peace.
Why should trials sore oppress me?
Why should doubts and fears annoy?
All things, all things work together
To my soul’s eternal .

I abide in Him, He abides in me,
My soul in His love is hiding,
While the storms of life are raging,
He will guide me all the way.


Meaning of I Am Trusting Jesus Only As I Journey Day By Day

In our journey through life, we often face many challenges and uncertainties. It can be overwhelming, but we are not alone. We have someone to trust and rely on – Jesus. The hymn “I Am Trusting Jesus Only As I Journey Day By Day” reminds us of the unwavering faith we can have in Jesus and how He guides and supports us every step of the way.

The hymn begins with the verse, “I am trusting Jesus only, as I journey day by day, for He knows the path before me, and will guide me all the way.” This verse highlights the importance of trusting Jesus as we navigate through life. We may not always know what lies ahead, but Jesus, who sees everything, knows the path before us. By placing our trust in Him, we can rest assured that He will lead and guide us through every situation.

“I can see His footprints yonder, I can hear His loving call, feel the ever-present Spirit of my Savior, Christ, my all.” These lines from the hymn paint a beautiful picture of how intimately connected we can be to Jesus. Just like footprints in the sand, we can see evidence of Jesus’ presence in our lives. Through prayer, reading the , and seeking His guidance, we can hear His loving call and feel His Holy Spirit comforting and guiding us.

The refrain of the hymn says, “I abide in Him, He abides in me, my soul in His love is hiding, while the storms of life are raging, He will guide me all the way.” This refrain reminds us that when we trust in Jesus, we have a refuge and a hiding place in His love. No matter how fierce the storms of life may be, Jesus is there with us, guiding us through the difficulties and challenges. We can find comfort and strength in knowing that He will be with us, no matter what we face.

The second verse of the hymn continues to emphasize the trust we can place in Jesus. “I am trusting Jesus only, he has proved a friend indeed. Though the night be dark and dreary, light He gives me, all I need.” This verse reminds us that Jesus is not just a distant figure, but a true friend who understands our struggles and provides us with the light we need. Even in the darkest and most difficult times, He shines His light into our lives, giving us hope and strength to carry on.

“I can feel His arms around me when I scarce have strength to stand, though I fall He never leaves me, He upholds me by His hand.” These lines capture the tender and loving nature of Jesus, who never abandons us in our weakness and failures. When we feel like we can’t go on, Jesus wraps His loving arms around us, giving us the strength to keep moving forward. He never leaves us, even when we stumble and fall. Instead, He upholds us with His mighty hand, bringing us back on our feet.

As we journey through life, we may encounter trials and difficulties that threaten to overwhelm us. However, the hymn reminds us that these trials can never confound us when we put our trust in Jesus. “Why should trials sore oppress me? Why should doubts and fears annoy? All things, all things work together to my soul’s eternal joy.” It is through our trust in Jesus that we can find peace and joy, even in the midst of trials. With Him by our side, all things work together for our good, leading to our eternal joy.

In conclusion, the hymn “I Am Trusting Jesus Only As I Journey Day By Day” holds a powerful message of trust and reliance on Jesus in our daily lives. As we go through life’s ups and downs, we can have confidence in His guidance, love, and strength. Jesus has proven Himself to be a faithful friend who walks with us, upholds us, and leads us through every situation. May we always trust in Him as we journey day by day, finding refuge in His love and peace that surpasses all understanding.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Trust Jesus on your journey through life. Find guidance, support, and peace as you navigate challenges and uncertainties. Rest in His love and let Him lead you every step of the way.


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