I Belong To Jesus – Hymn Lyric
“I Belong To Jesus: A Hymn of Love and Devotion” is a heartfelt hymn that celebrates our unbreakable bond with Jesus. It reminds us of the privilege of being part of God’s family and the importance of surrendering ourselves completely to Him. Filled with gratitude and anticipation for eternity, this hymn inspires us to live lives that honor and glorify the One to whom we truly belong, Jesus.
Table of Contents
I Belong To Jesus – Hymn Lyric
I belong to Jesus;
I am not my own;
All I have and all I am,
Shall be His alone.
I belong to Jesus;
He is Lord and King,
Reigning in my inmost heart,
Over everything.
I belong to Jesus;
Blessed, blessed thought!
With His own most precious blood
Has my soul been bought.
I belong to Jesus;
He has died for me;
I am His and He is mine,
Through eternity.
I belong to Jesus;
He will keep my soul,
When the deathly waters dark
Round about me roll.
I belong to Jesus;
And ere long I’ll stand
With my precious Savior there
In the glory land.
Meaning of I Belong To Jesus
I Belong To Jesus: A Hymn of Love and Devotion
In a world full of uncertainties and constant changes, there is one thing that remains steadfast and true our belonging to Jesus. This beautiful hymn reminds us of the unbreakable bond we share with our Lord and Savior. It is a declaration of our devotion and an expression of our gratitude for His everlasting love.
The hymn begins with the simple yet profound statement, “I belong to Jesus; I am not my own.” These words invite us to reflect on the incredible privilege it is to be a part of God’s family. We are not mere wanderers in this world, but cherished children of the Most High. This understanding fills our hearts with joy and a sense of belonging that can never be taken away.
“All I have and all I am, shall be His alone.” These words teach us the importance of surrendering ourselves completely to Jesus. Our possessions, talents, and even our very lives are gifts entrusted to us by the Lord. When we acknowledge this truth and willingly offer everything back to Him, we experience a freedom like no other. We no longer feel the weight of ownership, but rather the joy of stewardship.
“He is Lord and King, reigning in my inmost heart, over everything.” Jesus is not merely a bystander in our lives, but the King of our hearts. He deserves our highest reverence and authority over every aspect of our lives. When we allow Jesus to take the throne of our hearts, His love and wisdom guide our decisions and actions. We find comfort and peace knowing that our lives are under His loving control.
The hymn then reminds us of the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for us. “With His own most precious blood, has my soul been bought.” These words remind us of the ultimate price paid for our redemption. Jesus, the Son of God, willingly shed His blood on the cross to save us from our sins. The realization of this amazing gift fills our hearts with gratitude and motivates us to live a life worthy of His sacrifice.
“He has died for me; I am His and He is mine, through eternity.” The hymn beautifully encapsulates the eternal nature of our relationship with Jesus. His love for us extends beyond this earthly life it is an everlasting bond that transcends time. We find comfort and security knowing that we belong to Him forever. Through good times and bad, Jesus is always by our side, guiding us and comforting us with His love.
The hymn then assures us of Jesus’ faithfulness and protection. “He will keep my soul, when the deathly waters dark, round about me roll.” Life is full of challenges and trials, but we can rest in the assurance that Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us. Even in the darkest of times, He is our refuge and stronghold. His love remains unwavering, and His grace sustains us through every storm.
“I belong to Jesus; and ere long, I’ll stand with my precious Savior there, in the glory land.” The hymn concludes with a heartfelt anticipation of the day we will reunite with Jesus in eternity. We long for that glorious moment when we will stand before Him and experience the fullness of His love and presence. This hope fuels our faith and gives us the strength to persevere in our journey with Him.
In conclusion, “I Belong To Jesus” is a hymn that declares our love, devotion, and gratitude toward our Lord and Savior. It reminds us that we are not alone in this world, but rather cherished members of God’s family. May these words resonate in our hearts and inspire us to live lives that honor and glorify the One to whom we truly belong.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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