I Came To God And My Soul Was Lost – Hymn Lyric

Discover the journey of finding redemption and joy in God's love in the hymn "I Came To God And My Soul Was Lost." Explore the profound meaning of coming to God

I Came To God And My Soul Was Lost – Hymn Lyric

“I To God And My Soul Was Lost” takes us on a journey of finding redemption and joy in God’s love. The hymn reminds us that even when we feel lost and helpless, there is always room in God’s loving arms for us. Through sincere repentance and a childlike faith, we can experience the transformative power of His grace and find true joy in our new-born souls.


I Came To God And My Soul Was Lost – Hymn Lyric

I came to God, and my soul was lost,
I stood on the brink of woe;
I knew and felt that His arm would save,
To Him I alone must go.

And now a of redeeming grace,
I sing of His mercy free.
O, wanderer, come to His arms of love;
O come, there is room for .

I came to God and my sins confessed,
My sins that I could not bear;
I knelt me down with a broken ,
I prayed, and He heard my prayer.


I came to God, and He made me clean,
I plunged in the healing wave;
He bade me look at the cross He bore,
And life for a look He gave.


I came to God in a childlike faith,
A faith that has made me whole;
A joy is mine that the knows not,
The joy of a new born soul.



Meaning of I Came To God And My Soul Was Lost

I Came To God And My Soul Was Lost: Finding Redemption and Joy in God’s Love

Have you ever felt lost and helpless, like your soul was on the brink of woe? I know I have, and it was during those times that I turned to God for guidance and . In the hymn “I Came To God And My Soul Was Lost,” the songwriter beautifully expresses the journey of coming to God and experiencing His redeeming grace. Let us delve deeper into the verses and explore the profound meanings they hold.

The first verse of the hymn speaks of the initial realization of being lost and in desperate need of God’s help. We all may face moments in our lives when we feel overwhelmed by our own mistakes and sins. It is in these moments of despair that we often come to the realization that our only lies in God. With a humble heart, we must come before Him, knowing that His loving arms are always open wide to receive us.

As the refrain states, once we turn to God, we become children of redeeming grace. It is important to understand that redeeming grace is the unmerited favor and forgiveness that God extends to us through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. No matter how far we have strayed or how deep our sins may be, there is always room for us in God’s unfailing love. We need only to accept His gift of salvation and allow Him to transform our lives.

The second verse emphasizes the act of confessing our sins to God. It can be terrifying to acknowledge and confront our wrongdoings, but it is a crucial step towards finding forgiveness and healing. When we kneel down with a broken heart, sincerely repenting of our sins, God not only hears our prayers but also extends His mercy and forgiveness. He longs for us to come to Him with genuine remorse, ready to turn away from our sinful ways.

In the third verse, we witness the transformative power of God’s love. When we come to God and sincerely repent, He washes away our sins and makes us clean. The imagery of plunging into a healing wave symbolizes the cleansing and purifying nature of God’s forgiveness. We are no longer burdened by our past mistakes but are given a fresh start in life.

Furthermore, the verse reminds us of the cross that Jesus bore for our sake. It is through His sacrifice that we can find true life and salvation. All we need to do is fix our eyes on the cross and accept the gift of life that Jesus offers. It is remarkable how a mere look at the cross can bring about a radical transformation and fill our hearts with gratitude and joy.

The final verse highlights the importance of childlike faith in our relationship with God. When we come to Him with simple trust and belief, our faith has the power to make us whole. This childlike faith is characterized by its purity, , and unwavering trust in God’s goodness and faithfulness. Such faith brings a unique joy that the world cannot comprehend or take away from us. It is the joy of a new-born soul, reborn in God’s love and ready to embark on a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

In conclusion, “I Came To God And My Soul Was Lost” is a hymn that beautifully depicts the journey of finding redemption and joy in God’s love. The lyrics capture the essence of a soul’s transformation as it comes to God, confesses its sins, and experiences the healing power of His grace. It is a reminder that no matter how lost we may feel, there is always room in God’s loving arms for us. So, let us come to Him, accept His redeeming grace, and rejoice in the joy of a new-born soul.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the journey of finding redemption and joy in God's love in the hymn I Came To God And My Soul Was Lost. Explore the profound meaning of coming to God, confessing sins, and experiencing His transforming grace. Find hope and healing in His loving arms.


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