I Came To Jesus Lost Undone Confessed To – Hymn Lyric

Discover the transformative power of coming to Jesus with a repentant heart and finding forgiveness. Experience redemption and peace in "I Came To Jesus Lost

I Came To Jesus Lost Undone Confessed To – Hymn Lyric

Finding Redemption and Peace in Jesus: In the hymn “I Came To Jesus Lost, Undone, Confessed To Him My Sin,” the singer shares their personal of finding forgiveness, experiencing sanctification, and achieving lasting and tranquility in Christ. The lyrics beautifully express the transformative power of coming to Jesus with a repentant heart and finding solace in His pardon. Through faith and trust in Him, believers can experience redemption, rest, and inner peace.


I Came To Jesus Lost Undone Confessed To – Hymn Lyric

I came to Jesus lost, undone,
Confessed to him my sin;
He pardoned then my guilty soul,
And glorious light shone in.

I know on whom I’ve believed,
His pardon I have received;
Again I plunged beneath the tide,
My soul is sanctified.

Then joyfully I sang his praise,
And tranquil was my rest,
Till suddenly I found one day
A foe within my breast.

I came to Jesus then again,
Pressed closely to his side;
His cleansing blood flowed o’er my heart,
A purifying tide.

No storms disturb my perfect rest,
While I my Lord obey;
Since all my heart is pure and clean,
I’m happy all the day.

Meaning of I Came To Jesus Lost Undone Confessed To

Him My Sin: Finding Redemption and Peace in Jesus

In the hymn “I Came To Jesus Lost, Undone, Confessed To Him My Sin,” the lyricist beautifully expresses the transformative power of coming to Jesus with a repentant heart. The verses and refrain narrate a personal journey of finding forgiveness, experiencing the sanctification of the soul, and achieving a lasting joy and tranquility that can only be found in Christ.

The opening verse sets the stage for a powerful testimony of encountering Jesus. The singer confesses their sins to Him, acknowledging their state of being lost and undone. This echoes the words of Psalm 32:5, which says, “Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, ‘I will my transgressions to the LORD.’ And you forgave the of my sin.” It is clear that the singer finds relief and pardon in Jesus, as they describe the glorious light that shines within their guilty soul.

The refrain further emphasizes the singer’s confidence in their newfound faith. They declare that they know on whom they have believed, indicating a deep trust and reliance on Jesus. This declaration of faith allows them to receive His pardon, further assurance to their forgiven state. The refrain speaks to the power of belief and trust in Jesus, which leads to salvation and the receiving of His grace.

Continuing their spiritual journey, the singer encounters a challenge. In the following verse, they express the discovery of a foe within their breast. This foe could be interpreted as the ongoing struggle with temptation and sin that believers face. The apostle Paul writes about this inner conflict in Romans 7:23-24, saying, “But I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?” Like the singer, Paul acknowledges the ongoing within.

However, the singer does not wallow in this internal struggle. Instead, they turn to Jesus once again, seeking solace and refuge in His presence. The imagery of pressing closely to His side conveys a desire for closeness and intimacy with Christ. This act of seeking Him leads to the flow of His cleansing blood over the singer’s heart, purifying them. The imagery of flowing blood symbolizes the complete and thorough forgiveness that comes through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, as described in 1 John 1:7, “The blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.”

As the hymn progresses, it becomes evident that finding refuge in Jesus brings peace and rest. The singer testifies that no storms disturb their perfect rest as long as they obey their Lord. This echoes Jesus’ words in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to me, all you who are and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” By surrendering to Jesus and following His teachings, the singer experiences a heart that is pure and clean, resulting in lasting happiness throughout the day.

In conclusion, “I Came To Jesus Lost, Undone, Confessed To Him My Sin” is a powerful hymn that encapsulates the journey of redemption and peace found in Jesus. The narrative of the hymn speaks to the universal human experience of sin and the subsequent for forgiveness and restoration. It highlights the transformative power of coming to Jesus with a repentant heart and finding solace in His pardon. Through ongoing faith and trust in Him, believers can experience sanctification, rest, and joy. May this hymn serve as a reminder of the hope and available to all who come to Jesus with a humble heart.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the transformative power of coming to Jesus with a repentant heart and finding forgiveness. Experience redemption and peace in I Came To Jesus Lost, Undone, Confessed To Him My Sin hymn.


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