I Cannot Be Idle For Jesus Says Go – Hymn Lyric
“I Cannot Be Idle For Jesus Says Go: Embracing the Call to Action” explores the importance of being active in spreading God’s love and saving souls. Through the hymn “I Cannot Be Idle,” we are reminded of our duty to work in God’s harvest and bring others into His fold. The hymn serves as a wake-up call to embrace the urgency of our mission and find joy in our labor, knowing that our efforts are not in vain and a crown of glory awaits us in heaven.
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I Cannot Be Idle For Jesus Says Go – Hymn Lyric
I cannot be idle, for Jesus says, “Go
And work in My harvest today;
And then at the evening, when labor is done,
Whatever is right I will pay.”
Then away to the work I will go,
And join in the reaping of grain,
And back from the harvest with beautiful sheaves,
I’ll come with rejoicing again.
I cannot be idle, the fields are so white,
And numberless sheaves will be lost;
They perish for want of more reapers to save,
How awful to think of the cost!
I cannot be idle, soon time will be o’er,
And reaping be ended for aye;
I’ll gather the lost from the byways of sin
To walk in the beautiful way.
I cannot be idle, no time for repose,
My resting shall be over there,
Where all of the faithful in heaven above
A crown of bright glory shall wear.
Meaning of I Cannot Be Idle For Jesus Says Go
I Cannot Be Idle For Jesus Says Go: Embracing the Call to Action
In a world filled with distractions and temptations, it is easy to become complacent and idle. However, as followers of Jesus, we are called to a different way of life. The hymn “I Cannot Be Idle” serves as a gentle reminder of our duty to work in God’s harvest and to bring others into the fold of His love and salvation.
When Jesus walked the earth, He called His disciples to action. He urged them to go out and spread the good news, to gather those who were lost and bring them into the fold of God’s love. This call to action is echoed in the first verse of the hymn: “I cannot be idle, for Jesus says, ‘Go, and work in My harvest today.'” It is not enough for us to simply believe in Jesus; we must actively live out our faith and share His message with others.
The refrain of the hymn encourages us to join in the reaping of the grain. Just as a farmer tirelessly works to gather a bountiful harvest, we too must put in the effort and dedication to gather souls for God’s kingdom. This work is not always easy. The fields we are called to labor in are often filled with challenges and obstacles. However, the hymn reminds us that despite the difficulties, we can find joy in our labor and rejoice when we see the beautiful sheaves of saved souls.
The second verse of the hymn underscores the urgency of our mission. It reminds us that countless souls are lost and in desperate need of saving. Without more reapers to bring them into God’s fold, they will perish, and the cost of their eternal separation from Him is too awful to bear. This verse serves as a wake-up call, reminding us that there is no time to waste in idleness. We must be active and intentional in our efforts to bring others to Christ.
As the hymn continues, we are reminded that time is fleeting. The day will come when our opportunity to reap will be over, and we will no longer have the chance to gather the lost. This sense of urgency compels us to action, motivating us to seize each day and make the most of the time we have been given. We must be diligent in seeking out those who are lost, bringing them into the beautiful way of faith and salvation.
The final verse of the hymn offers hope and motivation for our labor. While our work may be tiring and exhausting at times, there is a promised reward. In heaven, all the faithful will be crowned with bright glory, enjoying eternal rest and joy in the presence of God. This is the ultimate goal and destination for all believers, and it serves as a reminder that our labor is not in vain. The hymn encourages us to keep going, knowing that our rest will come in the presence of God.
In conclusion, the hymn “I Cannot Be Idle” beautifully encapsulates the call to action that Jesus has placed upon every believer. We are not called to idleness or complacency but to be active participants in God’s harvest. The hymn serves as a reminder of the urgency and importance of our mission, encouraging us to gather the lost and bring them into the fold of God’s love. May we embrace this call and find joy in our labor, knowing that our efforts are not in vain and that a crown of bright glory awaits us in heaven.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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