I Cannot Drift Beyond Thy Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the comforting hymn "I Cannot Drift Beyond Thy Love" that reminds us of God's unwavering presence and love

I Cannot Drift Beyond Thy Love – Hymn Lyric

The hymn titled “I Cannot Beyond Love” reminds us that we are never truly separated from the love and care of our dear Lord. No matter how far we may feel we’ve strayed, God’s love is always there to surround us and bring us back. His presence is unwavering, and comforting us through every challenge we face.


I Cannot Drift Beyond Thy Love – Hymn Lyric

I cannot drift beyond Thy love,
Beyond Thy tender care;
Where’er I stray, still from above
Thine eye beholds me there.

I cannot drift so far away
But what Thy love divine
Upon my path, by night and day,
In mercy sweet doth shine.

I cannot drift beyond Thy sight:
Dear Lord, the thought is sweet;
Thy loving hand will guide aright
My weary, wandering feet.

When rough and dark my lonely ,
I not be forgot;
Thro’ all ‘s changeful, shadowed day
Thou wilt forsake me not.

I cannot drift away from Thee,
No matter where I go;
Still Thy dear love doth gladden me,
Thou all my way dost know.

Where’er I journey Thou art there,
In wind and wave I
Thy voice, in tones of music rare,
And know that Thou art near.


Meaning of I Cannot Drift Beyond Thy Love

In our daily lives, it’s easy to feel like we’re drifting away from the people and things that matter most to us. We may worry that we’re losing touch or that we’re not being noticed or cared for. But in the beautiful hymn titled “I Cannot Drift Beyond Thy Love,” we are reminded that no matter where we go or how far we feel we’ve drifted, we can never truly be separated from the love and care of our dear Lord.

The hymn begins by emphasizing the unwavering presence of God’s love. It tells us that we cannot drift beyond His love or His tender care. Isn’t that an incredible thought? No matter how far we may feel we’ve strayed, God’s love is always there to surround us and bring us back. It’s like He has a GPS for our hearts, always guiding us back to Him.

The hymn goes on to assure us that no matter where we wander, God’s eye beholds us. He sees us, even when we think we’re alone or unnoticed. His loving gaze is upon us, watching over us and protecting us. It’s comforting to know that we are never truly invisible or forgotten.

We often face rough and dark times in our lives – moments when we feel lost and weary. But the hymn reminds us that even in those difficult times, God’s loving hand will guide us aright. When we feel like we’re stumbling in the darkness, He is there to lead us out into the . His brings us comfort and reassurance that we are never alone in our struggles.

As we journey through life, no matter where we go, we are reminded that God’s dear love is always with us. It never leaves or abandons us. It’s a constant presence that gladdens our hearts and brings us . When we feel lonely or uncertain, we can find solace in the knowledge that God knows our way. He understands our struggles and walks beside us every step of the way.

The hymn beautifully describes how God’s presence can be felt in the wind and the waves. In nature’s elements, we can hear His voice, speaking to us in tones of music rare. It’s a reminder that God is not only near but also in tune with our hearts. He understands our joys and sorrows, and He is there to comfort and uplift us.

In conclusion, the hymn “I Cannot Drift Beyond Thy Love” encompasses the comforting and reassuring message that we are never truly alone or separated from God’s love. No matter how far we may wander or how lost we may feel, God is always there, guiding us back to Him. His love is unchanging and ever-present, giving us comfort, strength, and joy. So, no matter what challenges we face or how far we may think we’ve drifted, let us hold on to the beautiful truth that we cannot drift beyond the love of our dear Lord.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the comforting hymn I Cannot Drift Beyond Thy Love that reminds us of God's unwavering presence and love, guiding us through life's journey. Find solace in knowing you are never alone.


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