I Entered The Throne Room – Hymn Lyric

Unlock Freedom and Joy: Experience the Majesty of Entering Jesus' Throne Room. Discover the Power of His Sceptre. Find Comfort and Restoration. Sing His Praises!

I Entered The Throne Room – Hymn Lyric

Experience the incredible joy and of entering the majestic throne room of Jesus, our Lord, in the captivating hymn “I Entered The Throne Room.” Walk into this magnificent room filled with awe and wonder as Jesus extends His sceptre, releasing us from captivity and bringing cleansing and joy. Find solace and restoration in His presence, allowing Him to transform our lives with His love and grace. Enter the throne room today and encounter the beauty and power that awaits you. O ! O glory indeed!


I Entered The Throne Room – Hymn Lyric

I entered the throne room, where Jesus, my Lord,
Was , the captive to free;
He reached out His sceptre, He spoke the glad word,
And cleansing and joy came to me.

O glory! O glory, what rapture is mine!
The King in His beauty I see;
I’m singing His praises, since Jesus divine
Extended His sceptre to me.

I entered the throne room when burdened with care,
A load I had carried too long.
He reached out His sceptre, He answered my prayer,
And sent me with a song. [Refrain]

I entered the throne room when earth ties were riven,
And darkness had shrouded the day;
I touched the bright sceptre, and comfort was given;
The were driven away.


Meaning of I Entered The Throne Room

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to enter the majestic throne room of Jesus, our Lord? Well, let me tell you, it is an experience like no other! In this hymn titled “I Entered The Throne Room,” we get a glimpse of the incredible joy and freedom that comes from encountering the presence of our Savior. So come along with me on this wonderful journey as we explore the beauty and power found in this captivating hymn.

As the hymn begins, we are introduced to the throne room, a where Jesus eagerly awaits to set us free from captivity. Just imagine into this magnificent room, filled with a sense of awe and wonder at the sight of the King. In this moment, everything changes. Jesus extends His sceptre, a symbol of His power and authority, signaling His desire to release us from whatever bondage we may be facing.

What happens next is truly remarkable. As Jesus speaks the glad word, we experience not only cleansing but also an overwhelming joy that fills our hearts. It’s as if a weight has been lifted off our shoulders, and for the first time, we can truly breathe and live freely. This newfound freedom brings us rapture and glory, and we can’t help but sing praises to our beautiful and divine Savior.

Sometimes, life can be overwhelming, and we find ourselves burdened with cares that seem too heavy to bear. But fear not, dear reader, for even in these moments, we can enter the throne room of Jesus. We can bring all our worries, all our troubles, and lay them at His feet. Just like the hymn says, Jesus will reach out His sceptre and answer our prayers. He will replace our burdens with a song, filling our hearts with renewed hope and .

There are times in our lives when everything seems and uncertain. It’s as if the world around us is consumed by shadows. But even in the midst of this darkness, if we reach out and touch the bright sceptre of Jesus, comfort is given to us. The shadows are driven away, and we are surrounded by His and love. No matter how dire the circumstances may be, we can find solace and restoration in His presence.

Now, you might be wondering, how does all of this relate to our everyday lives? How can we experience the power and joy of entering the throne room of Jesus? Well, my dear friend, it starts with faith. It starts with believing that Jesus is indeed our Lord and that He has the power to set us free. When we invite Him into our hearts and surrender ourselves to Him, we become recipients of His grace and love.

So, let us remember the beautiful message hidden within the words of this hymn. Let us hold onto the truth that we can enter the throne room of Jesus, no matter who we are or what we have done. We have a loving and compassionate Savior who eagerly awaits our arrival, ready to extend His sceptre and bring us freedom, joy, and comfort.

As we conclude our journey through this hymn, let us carry with us the hope and assurance that comes from knowing we have a Savior who always welcomes us into His presence. Let us embrace the rapture and glory that accompanies the experience of entering the throne room. And most importantly, let us continue to sing His praises, for He is truly worthy of all honor and worship.

In the end, it is not just about entering the throne room but about cultivating a deep and personal relationship with Jesus. It is about allowing Him to transform our lives and fill us with His love and grace. So, my dear reader, I urge you to take a step towards Jesus today. Enter His throne room and encounter the beauty and power that awaits you. Let Him extend His sceptre to you and experience the freedom, joy, and comfort that comes from being in His presence. O glory! O glory indeed!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Unlock Freedom and Joy: Experience the Majesty of Entering Jesus' Throne Room. Discover the Power of His Sceptre. Find Comfort and Restoration. Sing His Praises!


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