I Find Each Day New Victory – Hymn Lyric

Experience new victories

I Find Each Day New Victory – Hymn Lyric



I Find Each Day New Victory – Hymn Lyric

I find each day new ,
When Jesus has control,
And blessings that are sent to me,
When Jesus has control.

When Jesus has control,
When Jesus has control;
He leads the way from day to day,
When Jesus has control.

I find new unknown before,
When Jesus has control,
And peace abiding more and more,
When Jesus has control.

I find new strength to conquer wrong,
When Jesus has control,
And blessings with the victor’s song,
When Jesus has control.

I find new light upon my way,
When Jesus has control,
To light and guide me day by day,
When Jesus has control.

I look beyond life’s unknown sea,
When Jesus has control,
And see the Homeland me,
When Jesus has control.


Meaning of I Find Each Day New Victory

In our hymn, “I Find Each Day New Victory,” the songwriter expresses the joys and blessings that come when we allow Jesus to have control over our lives. This beautiful hymn reminds us that when we surrender ourselves to Jesus, he leads us on a path of victory, joy, and peace.

When we say that Jesus has control, we mean that we let him guide our thoughts, decisions, and actions. Instead of relying on our own understanding or worldly desires, we trust in Jesus’s wisdom and follow his teachings. This surrender to Jesus brings about a transformation in our lives, allowing us to experience new victories each day.

One of the first victories we find when Jesus has control is the victory over sin. By following Jesus’s example and living according to his teachings, we find new strength to conquer wrong. This doesn’t mean that we will never make mistakes or face challenges, but it means that Jesus empowers us to resist temptations and make choices that align with ‘s will. With Jesus’s control, we experience the joy of living a life that is free from the guilt and of sin.

Not only does Jesus’s control bring victory over sin, but it also brings new joys and peace into our lives. When we surrender to Jesus, we open ourselves up to the abundant blessings that he wants to pour out on us. These blessings may come in various forms such as answered prayers, unexpected opportunities, or moments of deep joy and contentment. With Jesus’s control, our hearts are filled with gratitude and awe as we experience new joys that we have never known before.

Additionally, Jesus’s control provides us with a peace that surpasses all understanding. In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, Jesus offers us a peace that can anchor our souls even in the midst of life’s storms. This peace does not depend on our circumstances or external factors but is rooted in the knowledge that Jesus is with us and is in control. As we trust in Jesus’s leading, his peace abides within us more and more, offering comfort and reassurance in every situation.

Furthermore, when Jesus has control, he becomes the light that guides our path each day. Life can often feel like a journey filled with twists and turns, and at times, we may feel lost and unsure of where to go. Yet, when Jesus has control, he illuminates our way and provides us with clarity and direction. His light , showing us the steps we need to take and guiding us towards his perfect will for our lives.

In addition to the victories, joys, and peace we experience when Jesus has control, we also gain the and assurance of our home. As we surrender to Jesus, we look beyond the challenges and trials of this life and fix our eyes on the promise of a heavenly homeland. This perspective gives us strength and perseverance as we navigate through life, knowing that our ultimate destination is with Jesus in heaven. With Jesus’s control, we have the assurance that our lives have an eternal purpose and that our struggles on earth are only temporary.

In conclusion, the hymn “I Find Each Day New Victory” beautifully captures the transformation and blessings that come when we allow Jesus to have control over our lives. When we surrender to Jesus and follow his teachings, we experience victories over sin, new joys, abiding peace, , and the hope of our eternal home. Let us embrace the truth conveyed in this hymn and daily choose to let Jesus have control, experiencing the abundant life he offers to all who believe in him.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience new victories, joys, and peace when Jesus has control. Surrender to Him, conquer wrong, and find light, guidance, and hope for an eternal home. Embrace the hymn I Find Each Day New Victory.


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