I Have Heard Of A Beautiful Land – Hymn Lyric

Discover the Promised Paradise: A Beautiful Land without Sorrow and Old Age. Imagine streets paved with pure gold

I Have Heard Of A Beautiful Land – Hymn Lyric



I Have Heard Of A Beautiful Land – Hymn Lyric

I have heard of a land
On a far away strand–
In the Bible the story is told–
Where no shall ,
Neither darkness nor gloom,
And nothing there ever grows old.

In that beautiful land
On a far away strand,
No storms with their blasts ever frown;
The streets, I am told,
Are paved with pure gold,
And the sun shall never go down.

There are evergreen trees
That bend low in the breeze,
And their fruitage is brighter than gold;
There are harps for our hands
In that fairest of lands,
And nothing there ever grows old.


There’s a home in that land,
At the Father’s right hand;
There are mansions whose joys are untold,
And perennial spring
Where the birds ever sing,
And nothing there ever grows old.


Meaning of I Have Heard Of A Beautiful Land

I Have Heard Of A Beautiful Land: Discovering the Promised Paradise

Have you ever wondered if there is a place where sorrow, darkness, and old age do not exist? A place where storms do not frown upon us and the streets are paved with pure gold? A place where evergreen trees sway gently in the breeze, bearing fruitage brighter than gold? This hymn speaks of a faraway land, a land so magnificent that its beauty surpasses our wildest dreams.

In the Bible, there is a story told about this extraordinary place. A land where the sun never sets, where the streets gleam with pure gold. Can you imagine on streets so ? It would feel like stepping into a grand treasure trove! But what makes this land truly exceptional is not just its material ; it is the absence of suffering, darkness, and the ever-looming grip of old age. In this land, the storms lose their power, and the sorrows that burden our hearts dissolve into oblivion.

Picture in your mind evergreen trees that bend gracefully in the breeze. Their rich green leaves whisper songs of comfort and peace. But these trees have more to offer than just their beauty. They bear fruitage that is brighter than gold. Can you imagine biting into a piece of fruit so radiant that it illuminates your entire being with and nourishment? In this beautiful land, even nature breaks free from the chains of mediocrity and into something extraordinary.

As we explore this hymn further, let us not forget the presence of magnificent harps waiting for our hands to caress their strings. In this land, music is a gift for all who enter. Imagine the sweet melodies that will through the air, filling your heart with bliss. Music has the power to unite , to heal wounds, and to elevate us to higher realms. In this land of wonders, we shall all become musicians, contributing to the symphony of eternal joy.

But it is not just the external beauty that captivates us in this land; it is the promise of a home at the Father’s right hand. Mansions beyond description wait for us, where unimaginable joys and treasures await. Can you envision a place where your heart’s desires are fulfilled beyond your wildest imagination? In this remarkable land, spring never ends, and the birds sing melodious songs of everlasting happiness. Every day will bring new opportunities for growth, learning, and fulfillment.

Now, the question arises: is this land merely a figment of our collective imagination, or does it truly exist? While we may not have tangible proof of its existence, the hymn invites us to dream and believe in the possibility of such a paradise. It reminds us that there is more to this world than what meets the eye, and that our spirits yearn for something greater. The hymn plants a seed of hope within our hearts, urging us to be better, to strive for goodness, and to aspire to the magnificent promises this land holds.

So, let us hold on to the vision of this beautiful land, even if it seems too good to be true. Let us strive to create a world where the values of love, compassion, and empathy flourish. By living our lives with kindness and integrity, we can build a small glimpse of that paradise here on . Each act of goodness plants another seed, bringing us one step closer to the realization of that incredible land.

In conclusion, the hymn “I Have Heard Of A Beautiful Land” paints a vivid picture of an awe-inspiring place where sorrow, darkness, and old age are unknown. It reminds us of the power of our imagination and the potential for a better world. Though we may not have tangible proof of this land’s existence, the hymn encourages us to hold on to hope and strive for goodness in our lives. As we walk through the journey of life, let us remember the promise of a beautiful land and work towards creating a little piece of it here on Earth.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the Promised Paradise: A Beautiful Land without Sorrow and Old Age. Imagine streets paved with pure gold, evergreen trees bearing radiant fruit, and the joyous sounds of eternal music. Let this hymn inspire hope and strive for goodness in our lives.


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